Ultimate motivation

So I’ve been through a lot of trauma and ultimately have a in built self defeating mechanism, I wanna be almost arrogant with self belief, I want to commit to Kung fu, but realistically I’m terrified of everything, any ideas or help?

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Not sure if it will be of any help but, I was kinda like you before. I lacked motivation, had a hard time starting anything or even stick to anything (mostly because I’m a perfectionist, so I want everything to be perfect to get into something). So I found out that what works the best for me, is if I cannot do it for myself, I’ll do it for someone else. Like let’s say you work really closely with a spirit, then do it for him, for him to be proud/happy of your efforts. Then when you look back, you will feel proud of yourself and will keep going forward. For me it’s Belial, but doesn’t have to be a spirit, can be someone in your family or someone close to you.

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Same here, but I had a different path… I’ve been evoking and asking archangels to help me overcome laziness and inactivity… Always expecting that I would wakeup one day and be super productive, be drastically changed . But I noticed that change through Angelic Magick comes in a subtle way of self realization…

One day I spent lots of time procrastinating feeling angry/negative, tensed afterwards… then it just hit me in the face . The simple but effective realization that spending time for meaningless amusement just makes me sad af and irritated while being productive and doing meaningful tasks gives me the feeling of wholeness, purpose, joy … It’s so simple yet not evident


I would 100% recommend Belial for that. He’ll give you power and dignity. When I first asked him, my intention was to “look powerful, to be seen as high status”. What he is doing instead is helping me to get rid of any stupid dependency and lack of power, so that I can be powerful and not only look like it. I’d say if you work with Belial you won’t regret it.

I’ll try working with him thank you!!

@Mei tried that route, always talk myself out of success

I’d suggest to take a look at what’s holding you back from your goals, if it’s more than fear look at doing a layered working to move you forwards. Belial can be a big help, Asmodeus too as he’s all about a lust for life as well as wrath/combat. There’s a layered working on here using both of them and some of the other Goetia demons that’s geared towards becoming outgoing/charismatic/etc but you could easily adapt it for your purposes. Getting in some ‘wins’ through successes with them could attack this self-defeating mechanism and get you some good results.


Could you point me to the topic that contains that working please

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To be fair, I’d settle for a total reset, just give me amnesia ha ha

Kung fu is not jujitsu or ninjutsu where the fighting is real. In Kung fu is a lot of simulation and working in pairs as well as concentration techniques and body strenghtening techniques. It’s also no shotokan where is only simulation. Just try a couple of Kung fu classes, it’s fun and you meet interesting people