There is something about what you added (about this being a “7 day candle magick ritual” or more generalizing a Rite of many steps- recurring)- which is a concept I find more interesting than a Yes/No issue… that seems to be something that isn’t clear at all in our current systems of explanation (and a pressure to clarify the interpretation one-way or the other)- ties to EA’s comment about the Mystery.
(reference Newsletter where EA wrote about burying a sigil to release and then about "what else do we bury? Corpses - into a graveyard" letting go.. and yet "a Rituals are like Secrets that you are Keeping" -it is easy to read that literally and think it just means bury in ground drawn sigil- but the sigil as the energy of the Working... and bury/keep as a Secret... Turn them over to the Myst-ery.
Anyway- there was another Forum response comment EA made about when doing a recurring work (someone saying when doing an evocation and planning to re-evoke... thinking in-between: and EA mentions about how that can mean it wasn't turned over- and thus to re-evoke.. I'm not recalling clearly- can view-read his posts here. Just seems to relate, and a thread that has been in the back of my mind, per Sorcery-Development)
Another related, is his comments in a few places about the Bk of Azazel (you mention 7 Day ritual- imagine 90 days, day after day, and not just a Sending, but a conversation and being physically with- it seems even more so)
… and yet if you were doing an interviewing Intensive with a Person (ie not “magical”) and you planning 1,2, or 3 hrs per day… some time prior to, and some time after… and yet the rest of the evening would be like “end of work day” although more a project. Argh I hate when I haveto use a great many words to try and describe what I mean and seems I’m just being confusing- but hopefully that makes sense.
same idea- if doing a project that is 7 days in a row- say only 15mins or 30mins a day (ie how long the candle rite is, or perhaps its only a few mins- just as a comparison)… if a few mins a day- say its a planning Skype Discussion of only a few mins, but very intense, or say Online Poker or such… Short burst of time and effort, First of Seven, Second of Seven Etc.
In short- if you were doing a recurring effort and it had nothing to do with Magickal acting, would it still have a distracting affect? Just food for thought- in case it adds, not to put these thoughts to your sit- this comment of mine is more a puzzling I’ve had.
Second- would it be different if you were doing a “recurring” working, but just knew it wasn’t done at end of Rite (and thus again next time, tomorrow, next wk, whatever), or you know it is done. -In other words- recurring, but if you didn’t know in advance it was going to be 7 days, or 45days or 90days, etc. Would that be different?
And just to add to the multiple streams- "The Mind-Stream" (which not only stacks up to a River, but goes deeper in depth), there is a difference between using Effort: gather and focus, and then "less-effort" to gather and focus, as opposed to "effort-less"... and It then can gel and become a synergetic whole- The Presence is being more "present" (not just in local space- but awake and alert, and sense of Size- "being willing to more fully engage in what is- whatever/however it is- the event as it is occurring") in the sense that being sleepdeprived, or slightly-drunk, or distracted (even if we try not to be), or "in a dream- on that automated state" vs Lucidity.. and Over Time we may Think: Now I am more present and more clear, smoothly at ease than I have been B4 (until the next jump where we think, what was I thinking- I thought I under-stood being more Awale and more Present, and I didn't have any idea... but now... until the next time)
I’m glad what I wrote above might have inspired something in your own thoughts- I seem to be driven to write these msgs this eve-morning
Just to clarify a slightly diff perspective: above you (OP: Amy) wrote-
" because dwelling in it i zone out and think about it but the second i snap out of it and am present in myself to what i am doing right now"
I’d say the being less present, and multiple streams- when you notice you have another focus in the back of your mind, and when you feel a zone-out, and when there is a snapping out of ABC and back to __ (actually zone-out is one of the “other” streams becoming more active- that’s still your mind, just that part is not connected to the personality-Ego, but to a “different” unit… snapping back, or zone-out- is when the Critical Mass of Attention focus shifts between them.
-distinction being when they merge- you can sense your mind is “thinking” of multiple things (like a handful of Monitor-Screens all playing at once- you are aware of all, but more focused upon one or the other, with more “mind” you have more Consciousness and thus can focus less on something and still be aware, vs having less Con-Presence and if you don’t focus nearly all of your Attention on something one spaces out or loses connection to it.
Thus as this is developed there is “more space” so to speak (and in Social interaction, as well as in Physical Presence, and Most of All in a MagickalWorking- where one is “Coming From” Mind (as opposed to mind) becomes bigger (like Attn was a soft glow, then becomes a bright flashlight, then can become Halogen, as well as the focused intensity of Sunlight through a magnifying glass- that Pt… that focus influences just as a result of its focus)
The Sense of the Answer of the Question (Who am I? or “What am I?” or best of all “HOW am I?” as that is felt-realized differently, that changes one’s physical Presence and Impact… and most of all to recognize that there are more and more things that one is aware of happening, without being clear what they are (the idea is not to get rid of the “unconscious” but to integrate- and learn to act and re-act/interp from the Mind that is aware of the “unconscious” as well as the conscious-mind, the “thought-puppet character” can sense that there are things that part of one’s attention is sensing and thinking about- but not parts of the “usual-thinking-mind”… and you have opened up more MindAwareness so you have “room to spare” so to speak.
I hope that isn't too rambly (I have a pact to try and only express when I'm sure I've added something and added as much as poss- and to have layers to it- so as a result I do fewer posts, and they oft seem to pack many ideas vs having one a couple of ideas per).
Best wishes- I think/have found/I-know that when one asks the kind of question that this is, one can find threads that allow you to travel a path deeper into the Labyrinth, and reveal not an answer to merely-this or that, but Expansion of Capacities them selves Some others that encounter this issue may just respond- this is too complicated a question, or don’t think about it, focus just on the surface- which is Ok, but Embodiment of our Being (not just in Experience, but Mastery of Enviro) isn’t just straightfwd.
((and as a result Magick-Al Currents draw related event-expers into your path- and you may seem the “Window” Re-Veal)) Luck