Two questions regarding spirit sigils and the afterlife

I have been wondering what difference it makes if you put a circle around the spirit sigil. Many grimoires automatically show the spirit sigils inside a small circle and others don’t. So I’m wondering what difference it will make. Which makes evocation the easiest?

Another question is regarding the afterlife when one is in the company of Azazel. E.A. has talking a lot about how this physical world is THE spot to be for us who wants to be living gods. But what about after we die? What then?

In regards to circling sigils. Some sources suggest that a sigil should be circled to delineated it from the external envirnment. I personally don’t think this is necessary.

In regards to afterlife. I think the goal is to acquire enough magickal skill and power to either extend your physical life indefinitely or at least reincarnate at your choosing with full memory in much the same way tibetian lamas do. Or perhaps create and then rule over some area with in astral.

yeah from experience i’ve found it’s much easier to open a sigil that has a circle around it. it separates the sigil itself from the rest of the paper it’s drawn upon. i know it seems like an awfully pointless thing to adopt, but i find my mind wanders to the edge of the paper because there’s no border or boundary containing the sigil. when i’m in trance, i find my mind follows the line of the circle and, by extension, everything within it, and it becomes much easier to ignore what’s on the outside.

others will undoubtedly disagree, but ultimately it’s simply a matter of personal preference. i use it because it works for me. if it didn’t, i wouldn’t.


Agreed, I have a much easier time when I keep the sigil on an entire sheet of paper instead of cutting it out as well. If I cut it out my mind has a harder time not paying attention to the border of the paper. If I keep my sigils to about 3 inches in diameter and in the center of the paper I can open them much easier as all I can see is the sigil and the paper and not the edges of the paper.