Tutorial: Petition Spells

Demons: Dantalion, Sallos, Sitri, to name a few. You would have to do your research to determine which one you feel would help your situation.

Good luck :bouquet:

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Thank You , I did a research on Dantalion, I hope he can hear my petition .

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Even if you can’t see or feel him, he can hear you when you try to connect to him. I’ve worked with him in the past and he’s a very kind and gentle spirit, and works on manipulating your lover’s emotions. I really do hope you get to connect with him.

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Thank you again , that’s what I need to manipulate his emotions ., regards

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When, I want to send a request to a demon, I take an envelope I draw his seal on the envelope and I write my petition with a normal ink and I add photo of my target and see some ingredients if it is for something positive or otherwise I write my petition with a evil ink of which I have the secret, with the photo of my victim I close the envelope and I add a strong alcohol in a metal bowl and I burn it all, it gives a good little boost or when one wants to burn the ass of an enemy.


Thank you for sharing this, i may have to try this the next time I want to connect with a demon.

It works a lot with a demons you already work with or simply test if you have an affinity with a demons before choosing it to work with you.


Thank you for the information

Has anyone done a petition spell to their “higher self” if so how was the experience? (just out of curiosity)

Is this Enochian? Is there a translation? I’m sometimes reticent to use incantations when I’m not sure exactly what is being said or who is being honored.

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Are you referring to the incantation that Eva posted? It is in the demonic language, just like the enns used in demonolatry, and there is no translation. It’s effect is produced by the vibration of the words in the throat.

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Thank you for your advice, yes I believe I connected with Duke Dantallion , thanks


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What do you do with the sigil afterwards


A petition spell does not require a spirit seal.

However, you would keep the seal on you until the result comes to pass, and then burn it.


Thank you.

Darkest knight, help me out and address this, my father is battling with hepittis b. Help me out and write example of this type of healing and specific spirit to heal and time frame

This is ancient compared to where the thread is now but fr?

This makes sense to me and and I had some gnosis about it

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You can use his examples to create your own like I did and you need to petition to Marbas

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Didn’t see this before but if you’ve had no luck. Try Dantalion, “he knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and Women, and can change them at his Will” a lot of “love” demons create union with locks and keys but the way Dantalion is, he can influence anyone.