Tutorial: How to use your Energy to Implant Thoughts and Emotions in Others in 7 Easy Steps

I have yet to have obvious results with humans but this technique works great for charging things, reading energy etc. :slightly_smiling_face::heart:


Completely agree from my own experience. If you’re not getting anywhere in a few weeks, time to switch method :slight_smile:

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What other techniques for someone who is stubborn ? I will look into it and get to work.

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I don’t know any other techniques for thought important/mind control/remote influence.

Everything I’ve come across is basically the same thing with different words, so what you would use instead or how you may need to change your statements would depend on what you’re trying to do.


I agree! When mastering the method it works, but depending what’s the goal you really need to consider what kind of arguments would work on this spesific individual.

For example, people don’t just change their values or opinions because someone says otherwise. Finding the ’low resistance pathway’ is the key.


What should i say to the target if she doesn’t know me and gonna read my messages for the first time?

I am messaging clients on Instagram to buy my services and i want to create need and want for my services in their mind so they buy my product.

What statement should i say to them to get them to buy my services?

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