Tutorial: How to use your Energy to Implant Thoughts and Emotions in Others in 7 Easy Steps

How are you with hands on/sympathetic magic? I mean things you mix ingredients and follow instructions, maybe say some words and light some candles?

Multiple targets tells me there’s something with the technique that isn’t quite meshing with you, I can’t say what offhand.

Sometimes and for some situations, magic works easier if you do something with your hands to tell your brain and subconscious/ energy where you want it to go.

Like maybe… :thinking: idk maybe something is mixing signals up, so maybe…

Can you make a poppet or effigy of the target? If you’re able, I would try making one, telling yourself that this poppet will be your representative of the target and that everything you will happen to the target.

Then I’d use the technique on the doll.

I know it’s an extra step, but doing it once or twice could help your subconscious understand what you want and jumpstart this technique for you.


I would concur.

I’ve found a lot of individual variation to susceptibility. Some folk I can hammer it for weeks and weeks with no result. Other people I find I can get results relatively quickly.

I’m not sure to what degree the issue is your targets and to what degree its a factor of yourself.

Ket makes a good point about involving the hands. That can help for some folk. I often use my hands but non physically. Sometimes I will picture the target in front of me and imagine three tendrils emanating from me. One from each hand and one from the third eye, all entering through the target’s third eye.
Then I breath out, imagining the breath projecting through my third eye down that tendril, and also down and through my hands and down those tendrils. As I imagine them coalescing in the targets third eye, I then form a mental picture of the targets brain, as if their skull were transparent.
With each out breath, I imagine the three tendrils, now coalesced into one, wraping around and around the targets brain.

Then I push from me, down the tendrils into that brain with each out breath. Whether its words or images or whatever else, I imagine it pushing out through my three tendril points, down the tendrils and into the targets brain.

After a little while I switch it up and instead imagine seeing into the targets brain and directly see the images or speak the words into that brain.

There are many many ways to apply these groups of techniques. The one I describe is one of many in which you involve the hands, in this case, without the need of physical hand movement.


Damn i didn’t read your post and i was trying something similar :rofl::heart: Maybe i’m into something.

Do you have clear/constant results with that?


I definitely wouldn’t say constant.
There are times I have had some brilliant and quick results. Other times I have smashed away at it for weeks and given up with nil results.
I think that the target themselves is a huge factor. Some people seem more susceptible than others.
I suspect that susceptibility may well vary for the same individual. Numerous short sessions generally seems to yield better results than one or two long sessions per day. I suspect that people’s mental defences vary, likely depending on their mental engagement or activity at any given moment and that numerous short sessions is like a scatter gun approach that increases the likelihood of catching someone during a more susceptible moment.

Anecdotally, I also generally seem to get better results when I make a point of doing a session or two each night at a time that the target is very likely to be asleep.

Of course I haven’t conducted detailed statistical analysis, but generally I have observed that lots of short sessions and also doing a session at a time the target is asleep seems to have a higher success rate.


hey everyone and happy Christmas!
I wanted to ask about few things. I am currently in separation with my ex gf for couple of months already. I tried many spells from myself and some casters, nothing haven’t seem to work just yet as im staying hopeful. I recently started doing this technique as it looks (relatively) simple and effective.
I would like to ask everyone but @Keteriya mostly.
My ex told me several times and looks like that as well that she is over me with her feelings completely. We spoke recently and she acted cold and told me that despite she loved our time to bits its not comfortable for her to think about it retrospectively and also till the future as she saying shes done totally. I hoped if this can be also changed through this practice, but I am not too sure as there are plenty of obstacles such as long distance for couple of more months, her lost feelings, having someone else (not sure if its a relationship (she told me no) or just some casual stuff).
Also the steps say that you should implement your positive emotions such as love which I tried when I did the work few times already. However Im feeling very anxious and sad due to the whole situation, so I was wondering if that can harm the whole work somehow. Im trying my best to put the clearest intent and focus on the love, communication and coming back to me but so far (I know it has been just few days as doing this) I haven’t seen results as she acted very cold and hostile. Do you have anyone some tips or even experiences of cases with exes that ended quite badly and they were stubborn, avoidant and very much over with the feelings?
thank you all:)

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Welcome @raf123 It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:



Short answer: yes your emotions can bleed over into what you want to happen, especially if your thinking of her often in between tries.

I recommend a code cutting on yourself or something to help with your mindset. I don’t think of it often myself but it can really help to do something to calm you down and put you in a place where the wayward thoughts and emotions are more controlled and less likely to bleed into anything you are working on.

Unless of course you wanted the target the target to feel remorse or guilt or as you meant anxious towards the situation, but I can’t come up with anything anxiety would help, especially if she’s already sworn there’s no way you can change her mind- her mind is in high alert to anything you might try to change it- so imop it would be best to try subtle suggestions.

Maybe instead of the full blown goal something like you don’t really me, or thats not what really is bothering you or you don’t really feel that way might help open up an avenue I a week or two where the target would be more receptive, however of the bat her subconscious will probably rebel at stronger suggestions simply because she’s been clear, her subconscious heard her and will try to circumvent anything you might do.

So you need to get her subconscious of guard, convince it that she didn’t mean what she said, then proceed.

Of course you can continue as is, but she sounds high risk for a negative reaction to the work to me.

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@Keteriya thanks for the fast reply. I mean I asked her kindly to easy the waters between us a bit to at least be good to each in terms of communication and I was told she will call me tomorrow as I wanted to tell her something today and she was busy. Would you therefore suggest as to start “gently” to rather focus on the communication such as → “you want to contact me”, “you miss me”, “you are being kind to me”, “you are interested about me”, “you regret your behaviour towards me”?. Also I dont mind her feeling guilt as she was the dumper but honestly I feel the situation need more sweet than punishment. Although I want to reconcile I know I need to take this slowly probably. I have some obsession spells behind me but it doesn’t really seem to work so far as shes very stubborn on her decision so I dont see honestly that doing a lot of help to me for now at least. So I hope this can be the way to start moving positively.

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Yes. Each target is different so you have to take the cues from them, but in this case she’s given you some hints on how to play this:

Pay close attention to what she tells you, because she’s telling her subconscious the same things.

You want to counter what she believes, but you don’t want it to trigger her subconscious as coming from you or as being an attack because the subconscious tends to react violently to be violated.

Are you sure you’re over him? might even be a good one, because it would start her questioning her thoughts on it.

I would go with this, if you push the wrong thing too hard she may become less and less receptive, particularly since it goes against what she wants. It’s easier when they half want it than when they really don’t.

I would hold off on that, it would likely work about as well as pushing your will too hard in her direction- meaning it’s more likely to make it worse than better right now at this moment.

A sweeting spell/ jar or sugar bowl might help however.


understood, thanks a lot. Yeah she has been quite straightforward with her coldness towards me and how shes over it that she doesn’t even want to talk a lot. I assume I will then go just from now focusing on her thinking about reaching out and try to evoke some positive feelings firstly so we can get a hold of some frequent conversation after a while.
Sweetening jar was one of my spells already so I hope that will add up:)
Once again, thank you for your reply. I might come with something more but you helped me greatly and Im jumping straight to it haha

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No problem. I respond when I stop in and see things, I’m not always so quick and occasionally miss something- but usually I’ve got about a 24 hour turn around time if I don’t respond immediately.

nonono, that’s too vague and most of al it gives her the option to mentally say ‘yes, with EVERYTHING together, I am over him’
While if you would/could implant “He had very good abs” or “He used to cook so well, it was always yummy” may be better if they are things he knows she agrees on already.
“damn that dick was good”
idk :joy:
Maybe followed by “[new partner] is not so good with , and it will probably never be(come) better”

Law of attraction, picture her(and maybe you together) lying by a fireplace; warming up for example
Symbolism is quite important, all in all it would be even better when using images that are powerful to her.

I wouldn’t ever do it(never been in the situation) and I don’t know if my suggestion are ethical but that’s what I’m thinking of doing. It’s always easier if you have a viewpoint that removed from the situation.

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Yep. If you are able to set those emotions aside while doing the work (I know it’s not easy) you are more likely to achieve your objectives in my view

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For documentation purposes.

I want them to reach out and apologize, I know they know what they did to hurt me. I want them to face the fact that they love me and feel that way.

I take deep breaths and feel, hear my surroundings.

I imagine the cosmos, universe above me— a light source of some sort and the energy is flowing through me, as if it gave me power— energy, let it flow to me and give me wings.

I look to them, as if in a throne— call upon their name and nickname a couple of times, still focusing on my slow deep breathing.

I tell them, in summary “you love him, you miss him— you recall the times he’s been good to you, his soft kiss onto your back of your palm, the warmth both of your bodies radriate” etc. basically letting the thought of reaching out and allowing his feelings to get out, for him to face it.

i tell him thats how its going to be, its our reality.

i dismiss him, and do the hand gesture as accurate as i can from my understanding from the text.

is it okay not to banish ? what other ways could i banish for this aside from the gesture ? any help is appreciated .

i have to say it felt nice to be in a trance .

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You don’t have to banish or cord cut, it’s just good practice imop to disconnect from things we’ve intentionally connected to when we are done with them.

It may help remove doubt and them thinking of you in the way you want them to might cause you to feel their thoughts and be influenced in response accidentally.

You can use any banishing that works for you- if it feels good and you can remember it, that’s the one to use.

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Thank you so much! I never thought you’d say something! I have been following your works for a while and I have to say, I learned a lot. I just am wondering, is it normal for it to take effect on the target? What signs should I be looking out for since— they feel strongly for another. Is it okay to do this everyday?

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I’m not sure what your saying took affect on the target? Yes the technique will, but how well or how they react is really individual. Some targets are easy no issues and others would be best for a different technique.

I have yet to have obvious results with humans but this technique works great for charging things, reading energy etc. :slightly_smiling_face::heart:


Completely agree from my own experience. If you’re not getting anywhere in a few weeks, time to switch method :slight_smile:

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What other techniques for someone who is stubborn ? I will look into it and get to work.

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