Turning two friends or colleagues into bitter enemies

So there may be breakup spells out there to learn. I guess to divide a couple apart if you wanted to. I saw a spell by this black witch on youtube who has a spell to break a couple apart. Would that same spell work on two friends, acquaintances, or colleagues that you just want to turn into bitter enemies who always disagree on everything and constantly fight?

Any spells any of you would recommend?

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Summon Zaro.


Mantras which are to be used very carefully, make sure you Focus on them:

  • Chao ab ordo
  • Chaosatanas
  • Aperiatur terra et germinet Chaos

Call Goddess Discordia to transform and change their relation


Where did you learn that mantra? Also should I use any candles in a certain way? Along with a picture of each person and a magick circle? Or any other ingredients? How long and how many times should I repeat this mantra?

This wouldn’t backfire on me if I am careful enough and focus on the two individual people. Right?

I really really need something like this as well.

I haven’t a spell personally just yet, but with some research I found these two spells.
I have not tried them out, yet I have looked at them briefly and they seem okei.
Perhaps you can take the base version of them and tweak them to suit your style/needs/etc.

I will probably form my own spell with some more research.

My boyfriend and best friend recently broke up with me, unjustifiably.
I believe his stupid close friend had something to do with it.

They both need to learn what justice is and have a taste of what it means to be thrown away.



Good luck, practice safe.

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Something very similar happened to me, I’m looking for a similar type of revenge and believe I am completely justified, I’d like to know how you got on with the spell casting? Any success?

In the Greek Papyri there are a few. One to bring strife between two people is:


Good luck with memorizing and pronouncing :grin: