Turning point for you

What was the turning point for you when you said yes I believe in magick I love hearing about people experiences it’s also a confidence boost as well for people who are newer


When I did my money spell a week prior, and in my moment of need, a one hundred bill was at my feet with no valid scientific explanation. It just appeared and stayed at my foot.


I can’t realy say there was one, I never really stopped believing.


I had just gotten interested in demonology, and had a vivid dream. Before that dream, i was desperate for verification, and asked for a sign from anything. The vivid dream’s theme was familiar setting, but unknown intent. At the end of the dream, a familiar face with black eyes said “if you want to know, then ask” and I woke up mad shook.

Then my friend had a pissed off ancestor or parasite spirit (still not sure, still not resolved) that ended up getting stuck trolling me for a little bit. Thats when I started getting serious about the research


I saw the dead at around age 4. That was my introduction to the spirit world. Magically though, I cast a spell in my teens and got down to a horrific 60 lbs in 1 month. That was the eye opener.


when i cast a death curse on a person by evoking an enitity described in the grimoire as a shadowy person of gaseous form/mass (like a cloud of smoke)…then some time later my target came to me saying he had a nightmare of being choked out by a gaseous entity whom he could not push away because his hands would go right through him, like smoke


I think it was when I had an out-of-body-experience back when I was 13 or 14. That is the first conscious moment, I can think of.


I’ve alway had spirits talk to me, it’s been so long I don’t remember when it first started.
I got into New Agey Wicca, uninitiated, and started understanding the currents but honestly the real eye opener was getting on this forum.

Any other place I went was very disbelieving in anything and everything. Relationships with spirits was crazy, being part anything other than human was crazy, etc. I had a priestess in Santaria tell me I was a snowflake for my connection to animals.
… really bitch?

But I finally felt I could really learn and not have a Click pushed on me. First time I worked with a demon was 4 days ago :smile:
Had Morrigan call a year ago now I think which I guess was one of my turning points.

I feel we have many turning points :slight_smile:


how did morrigan call to you?

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When I was a kid, I would fuck around with the weather and one day i thought
“Oh, So this is magic?”
So i bought a book and practiced.
Then I learned my mom knew a thing or two about wicca.

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I first had dreams of the classic “dark lady” with the crows and wolves. I remember one having a river behind her.
I hesitated even though my mind said Morrigan, I didn’t want to just jump in. She started pushing images while I was meditating after that but I still hesitated.
I think it was a week of this.
My first cat was 10 yrs old and sick, he was diagnosed with Lymphoma in his liver and he was at a point where the meds no longer worked, we had to take him in.
I was petting him in his carrier, knowing what had to be done but agonizing and my agonizing was hurting my husband too; he and my first cat were extremely close. I felt a hand on my shoulder and knew it wasn’t my husband, half turning I could see her there and she said to me, “Get up. It’s me, Morrigan you’ve been right all along and I’m here with you now. You can’t hesitate now so get up and take care of them.”
She meant my son and my husband. I felt the energy I needed to get up and go then.

I guess it seems depressing but it was powerful.


Well I had several turning points. One is where I met Lucifer physically. The other is learning about who I truly am. The third is with Goddess Morrigan. My most recent is with Abbadon.


The days leading up to the my first spell. It was less “Oh, magic’s real yaaay” and more “Look, I have between 2 - 4 ghosts haunting me all day every day, if magic isn’t real, then I’m the fucking Pope”. I basically grabbed a spell that was supposed to be a evocation for a spirit. It took me at least ten tries before he showed because 1. I was a noob (and still am kinda) and had no idea what I was doing, and 2. I didn’t realize I needed a glass receptacle, so the spirit showed, but was looking at the “altar” and back at me probably because he was like “But I’m supposed to go in the thing”. So he just manifested via invocation instead. I’m surprised the spell didn’t backfire on me horribly.

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interesting. Morrigan came to me in a dream too


Hmm … No turning point for me, always just been me, a total noob :slight_smile:

I think the first one happened to be when I was around 12. I began questioning my Christian upbringing and had started loosely following a more natural animistic path and working with my recently revealed at the time spirit guide, who I simply called the wolf spirit. I was young and didn’t really understand the finer points of how these things worked yet.

But one day my family went fishing and nobody caught anything all day, so I quietly asked “Wolf spirit” if he could help me catch just one fish before we left. Not ten seconds later I had a bite and reeled in a catch.

Such a small thing, maybe trivial, but that was a defining moment for me that there was more to this world than most knew.


Another turning point for me was when I was to spend the night alone, after being part of a theatre play, in a building that used to be a factory. The building is in two store with a spiral staircase leading up the first floor where some offices are, or were. When I was about to go past the stairs I very distinctly heard voices and I found out that it was in a very precise area they were. It sounded like people working at a factory and there was no doubt in my mind that this was an imprint of some sort. It did not scare me because I knew that there was nothing to be scared of. It was in its own quiet way a little peek into another dimension.

Looking back at things and realizing a good deal of spirits have been with me my whole life. Talking to me and taking care of me. Things that happened with absolutely no explanation. Just knowing about things and writing them down as a story, only to find out years later they were true. Smells from nowhere, bizzare animal visits, strong inclinations as a child that only now are beginning to make sense. I guess I’ve always known, I just didn’t know that I knew if that makes sense?

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