True Location Of The Third Eye

This has been a controversial matter for a while now , but I have been studying and testing mutiple systems and traditions and there are , as you know , alot of chakras. So many in fact that alot came be confused due to either proximity or function. There aren’t just 7 in the front of the body. Infact, there are three chakras that run vertical up the forehead. You have the Brow chakra, in between the eyebrows , which is also called the traditional Ajna chakra . It is the master chakra, it controls and regulates the other chakras and regulates emotions. It is nicknamed the “Hall of Impressions”. It is the center of active intelligence and directive will. It also attributes in some factors of seeing energy . Then after, there is the minor mental chakra, which is directly above that chakra. It is called the wind chakra, and it is responsible for mental understanding. Next and finally, there is the third eye chakra , located at the middle of the forehead . It is connected to cosmic consciousness and as you know responsible for psychic endeavors. It is said that these three centers due to proximity, can constitute the third eye as a whole but , the center itself safely said to hold that responsibility. Using or charging the Ajna or Third eye floods the ethereal bodies with energy and they share similarities, but they function differently. There is a website for reference that explains it better called . But test it out for yourself and see.


That’s high quality info, not many people know those details. Thank you for sharing :+1:


I can some times feel a pressure in my uper nose bone. Is there some thing there to?


Did ever someone punch you?

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Yes i have been in a lot of fights. But not in years. So thats not the case dude. :thinking: When i meditate on my third eye i some times feel a pressure there. But i can’t say why get. :grin:

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There is infact a seperate minor chakra there , I don’t actually know the function .

The Nasal Chakra is what it’s called. I feel it often and it’s connected to the communicating aspect of the spiritual world. It’s also associated to smell, taste and hearing.

Scrolling down to the Nasal Chakra section, this is what’s explained:

I’m dissapointed that it’s not mentioning the physical sensation spots of the chakras, the spots of touches some of us feel on several chakras. The nasal bone is closer to the Ajna Chakra, or the Third Eye and I often feel pinches on my nasal bone, as my succubus spouse often touches me there. I generally see this as a gesture of comfort, but she also touches me on other important chakra points, maybe as a way to maintain their spiritual functionality. The less we use our abilities, the easier it is to go latent.


There are more than the main 7 chakras.
Just at different points in the head you have multiple ones. It is no surprise.


@ Addi666,
what you showcased in the picture,
is not the Agnja chakra,
and also not the Wajet eye.

That specific point,
is the Center of the face,
and can be utilized as a Chakra point when attacking,
but it’s not very useful for casting spells from operator mode.

It’s also not referred to,
very much,
since most people ignore that point.

If it haves a specific Chakra name,
I’m not aware of it,
and it’s definately considered a minor Chakra,
similar to the Zeal Chakra,
which doesn’t mean it’s completely useless,
just not very commonly worked with.

I personally do use it in low magick sometimes,
but only casualy.

But i can.

The point you’re referring to,
being the center of your perceivable face,
or cosmic face,
for that matter,
sensing pressure when you focus on the Agnja chakra,
means you’re having issues with your true self (Sat Nam).

How to solve that:

Concentrate your focus,
from your eyes going inwards,
until you cross your eyes,
and pull them into your head.

Instead of going upwards,
like for most other techniques,
go downwards,
centering directly into that nose-base point,
where you feel the pain.

Focus all your attention there.

It should feel very painful,
and also crush tons of emotions,
and even vivid flashes of images down to your mind.
pull that back in your head,
to the Visual Cortex.

Go in a straight line,
directly to the back of your skull,
with it,
not down or up.

By doing that,
you can access the images that just flashed down onto you,
and identify,
by “watching” that mental film,
what exactly is wrong.

that only happens when something was really seriously fucked up,
and your own self starts denying you.

Pull your attention from the back of your skull,
down to the end of your spine.

Push from the end of your spine,
the dark energy that resides there,
into the visual cortex,
where you can form a new film,
based on the visions you perceived,
and the push it out through your Agnja Chakra (above the hurting point),
into reality.

thunnel as much energy through your body,
doing that part,
as needed,
to completely shift that film over.

Only then,
you’ll start feeling that pain to relax,
and your inner self coming to piece.

be aware,
that this is kind of a “one-off”,
as you can’t repeat that exercise indefinitely,
it’ll massively damage your brain,
when you do it too often.

Since you’re basically unfucking something,
where you already failed beforehand.

It’s kind of a “last resort”,
to use,
but for what I get,
you’re going to be safe,
when using it once.

After the exercise,
take a break,
and let the changes align your new reality.

Once that’s done (usually takes between 3 weeks, and 9 months, depending on the severity of the issue), you’ll want to evoke yourself,
either by your Magician name,
or if you haven’t accessed that yet,
by your normal name.

Make a Mark in your calender,
for this,
at 9 month from the day you’ve done the teachnique.

you’ll need to look back into your writings about the expierience,
to fully grasp what you’re doing there.

after the things have seddled,
and you’re in alignement with your true self again,
have a discussion,
how that happened,
why you did run into the problem,
and what you can do,
to prevent it from happening again.

That’s the more likely,
and most importend case.

In the other case,
it could be,
that someone casted a spell on you,
and you’re not sufficiently shielded against it,
and basically the same technique will help,
except that you target,
when pushing the changed film out,
onto the person which casted the spell on you.

don’t use it too often,
it’s harmful to yourself,
to rely on it.

Oh, one last addition:

The Danger doesn’t come from the Movements,
of the Energy.

The Danger, for your Brain,
comes from re-structuring the Film,
and changing the Circumstance.

It can be prevented,
if you’re good at healing,
i just wouldn’t recommend the risk.





Iv’e just remembered reading about this befor.



I know its not my third eye and not my ajna chakra. But as @succupedia mention that it is connected to the third eye sems true to me. I dosent feel pain in my nasal bone just a light er pressure. But thats after meditation on my third eye or ajna. And I start to feel from the mentioned point uper nasal bone and then it can increase down the nasal bones most likely becouse i focus on there when i feel it. I am not good at healing so if this can be dangerus for me to preform i will not try.

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then skip the part of re-configuration,
and simply seek your true self,
to come back into alignement.

That’ll certainly help.

Start by:

“Bless yourself, with yourself.”

Leviathan can help you there.

(-your left Nadi. Moon Energy based.)



The nose itself is also important energy center.
One of Kenneth Grant’s teachers told him that there’s a big secret that can be unveiled by meditating and focussing on the nose.

I believe it was written in ‘Beyond the Mauve Zone’ or Outer Gateways

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And like many here say.
The chakras are main centers.
we have many more energy centers.
Chinese medicin and.alchemy is a good source for more info on that.
Gnosis of many Daemons (in my case Asmodeus, Lilith, Phenex to name a few)
can lead to unlock such secrets.
Phenex learned me a secret energy center which had masonic value for some reason…
It is located between the svadhistana and root chakra, but more underneath, towards the spot between the arse and genitals.
Certain breathing techniques and positions can open them
From what i’ve understood, the energy center played an important role with connecting or balancing the two sides of the brain or something if i correctly remember…
i dont know whats about the Masonic thing he showed me since i am not a Mason

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That energy enter IS the root chakra, nicknamed the Perineal chakra , the true Muldhara . That center is responsible for absorbing Earth energy . The back channel ( base of the spine ) is the Coggyeal , is a lower octave of the true Muldhara, holding physical energy and the ethereal body in tact .


Thank you Mute,
that was a very good addition.

Can you point out the exact locartion of the True Muldhara,
and why you call it specifically that way,
instead of Mudlahara?



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The exact location of the true Muldhara is the Perineal , the area between the genitals and the anus . It is the lowest meeting point of all the meridians and the closest connection to earth energy in exception to the soles of the feet . This center pulls earth energy from the earth and distribute it not only to chakras , but directly to the organs and glands of the body. An example is when you have an erection . In conjunction with the sexual chakra , the Muldhara is stimulated and helps send and direct energy to the genitals. I called it the " True " Muldhara because it the only place on the body that has enough responsibility to be called that , its way too important and widely known . It is also very powerful. Now, the lower octave of this center , the base of the spine, has alot of things in common with the Perineal center . It’s responsible for physical energy and is the pure etheric counter part of the Muldhara . This center is more responsible for the growth and power of the physical body as it is knitted in the ethereal body and if you charge this center ( or the navel Chakra ) you will see you ethereal body glow and get stronger . It is the first to start the journey up the spine . Another reason why I say that the Perineal center is the true Muldhara , is because Kundalini is stimulated , awoken and risen from there , to the base , up the spine .


yepp, that’s correct.

I know it under the term (word), “Ghouch”,
and had issues overcoming the Language barrier here.

Thank you for filling in the details.

Much appreciated.

Yes, That’s the true seat of the Root chakra.

yeah, there’s also the “point of a million Gold Dublones”,
which allows males to control their loss of semen,
and can be triggered both by external stimulation,
as well as with the inner musculature,
(once learned),
to expierience multiple orgasms during a single sexual act,
as a man.

from outside,
you’d press a finger from the middle of the ghouch (Muldhara, or Perineal),
down into your flesh and upwards to the scrotum,
so that it blocks the internal path going down inside the penis,
by pressing it against the hip bone there,
and blocking it’s connection back to the prostate,
which releases the liquid for the Semen from the scrotum to travel in.

By blocking that passage,
the body knows,
that the Energy of the Orgasm can travel throughout both the own body,
aswell as the females body,
without releasing the life-giving fluid.

I think the prostate,
which is also known as the main minus pole of the sacral chakra,
and the seat of darkness inside man,
or lunic force,
in other describtions about it,
would be considered as the seat of Shakti force,
in it’s curled state,
in the normal Sanskrit understanding of it.

The Kunda force,
which is resting there,
in a kundalini rise,
is transfaired upwards the spine,
towards the pineal glend,
or Agnja Chakra,
and vitalizing that chakra with it’s energy there,
but only fully works as intended,
when crossing out through the Crown chakra,
and thereby forcing the 10’000 leafed Lotus open,
or the 144 Sections of the crown chakra (don’t want to go into the termonaligy on this,
there’s good reasons why that part isn’t as public,
and you probably understand it better,
when i just reference the 72 Demons of the Goetia,
are mirrored by 72 Angels, to counter them,
in traditionalist RHP Magick.)

So yes,
the point is actually the true chakra,
I’m glad we spoke about it that openly.


  • as we agreed upon.





That explains alot cause at that moment during the working i had a very strange expierience which i thought was a kundalini expierience.
it felt i was physically burning or so and energy through my spine was so intense… i just summoned Phenex and looked like he did some kind of purification rite which was really helpful but extremely intense.
I.even called a medium for help as an emergency cause i thought i was getting psychotic


Dear Marticus,

did you write about your expierience on a balg Post?

If so,
please drop me a link,
or @Yberioth me there,

so i can take a look if my time schedule still alowes me to.

