Tried evoking Dantalion

I tried envoking Duke Dantalion earlier about my ex boyfriend situation and I did a penny divination. I’m really new to doing penny divinations so I’m not quite sure if I was doing it right. But I believe that he told me he wouldn’t help me because Pomba Gira already took care of my ex’s feeling towards me. Does that sound like something he would say? Sorry for the dumb question.


Yes it sounds like … In my opinion, simply because he’s a mind spirit so really into mind control and the other seems to be more specific into those kind of case. I never worked with Pomba Gira but always see things like that on her / him.


About Dantalion search on the search bar take the thread of Sha she did a list with his abilities and mine was my complete qnd recent experience. He’s an empathic spirit but never really saw nothing with love and him


Absolutely, the great Duke will give you gifts to do with his specific abilities.
But the one thing I’m still having an issue with is the stupid online tarot addiction, that has to go. I have phases but it happens post ritual and doesn’t help matters. Have to kick this.

I know it’s president Marbas’s realm so I don’t want a fight.

I work with both. Maybe they can work together to assist me further?

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He focuses on changing someone’s mind.
So if say your ex doesnt like you or love you then you would go for pomba gira, however if there is a blockage in their mind like say they don’t want to date you because blank but they have feelings for you dantalion would help.
I think their a good duo to work with, personally dantalion is a chill guy and helps you work on yourself as well.

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