Totally lost

I have been trying evocation for years now with little or no success. Any advice please. My whole life needs me having powers.

Have you Learmed the Basic Skill for Working magick? Like Concetration, Visualisation,Feeling Energy etc…?

Also did your Goal set in your Evocation where realistic? Magick can Work Miracle but it still need to have a Path to manifest and some probability of succes. For instance if you Evoke a Spirit to gain 1 000 000 Dollars I doubt you will Get it Like that, You could get it, but it will be more Likely that the Spirit will Guide you to Opportunitu. that will lead you to Other and so on, Until you have The 1 000 000$

What Method are you using to Evoke, What are the Problem you encounter, Is it the Manifestation of the Spirit you have problem with? Is it Feeling th Spirit?

More Info is needed to Give you proper advice in my own Opinion.

Best Regards!

Mephistor’s right. The basic skills are the key.

My years of energy work and learning how to move energy with my focus, breathing, and imagination have allowed me to progress through the first few lessons of magick very quickly.

I don’t experience an evocation visibly yet, but my training with energy work really lets me feel their presence. And I’m quickly developing my telepathy to the point where I can have a conversation with them in my mind.

Well, that’s not quite true. I have seen their energetic outlines against my white walls from time to time, but it’s not an “every time” experience yet.

^ What they said. :slight_smile:

And, maybe try something different - soul travel maybe? I can send you a tutorial for an easy method if you want.

Ya Mephistor. I have a hard time sensing the entities and also seeing them. I stopped doing evocation two months ago just to gather knowledge. I use E. A’s universal circle. I place a triangle of manifestation on the ground near the circle and place a crystal ball inside it for astral evocation. I want to now work more with demons. I was thinking about reading Baal Kadmon book on demon. Well, what do you suggest?

I’ve sent you a PM with a simple method, I REALLY hope this helps you because you’ve been working hard for ages and deserve a break! :slight_smile:

What I sent should have all the info you need to begin with, just follow it as written and suspend critical judgement.

Gathering Knowledge is good but if you dont practice the Basic Skill in order to apply this knowledge you’ll get no where.

I would Suggest you to Start Working with the Book ‘‘Initiation into Hermetics’’ By Franz Bardon, This Book is in my own Opinion one of the Best free Course avaible outhere to Learn the Basic Skill needed to Perform Magick and Even if there is some ‘‘RHP Dogma’’ in it. You can easily dismiss them if you want to, since the Book is not full of them, its a pretty Neutral Book in my own Opinion.

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:6, topic:7922”]I’ve sent you a PM with a simple method, I REALLY hope this helps you because you’ve been working hard for ages and deserve a break! :slight_smile:

What I sent should have all the info you need to begin with, just follow it as written and suspend critical judgement.[/quote]

Hi, could you send me a manual also ? I would like to try it.

Warm Regards,


You got it, check your messages. :slight_smile:

Also, if you’re going to join us (and I hope you will) please don’t forget to post an introduction here - it’s one of the Rules of this forum, many thanks!

You also need to have real expectations, don’t forget that. Many magicians have tried winning the lottery with little or no success. You might also need to be patient. If your life is inert then patience is needed.

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:4, topic:7922”]^ What they said. :slight_smile:

And, maybe try something different - soul travel maybe? I can send you a tutorial for an easy method if you want.[/quote]

Could you send to me, too? Thanks

Thank you Lady Eva,
I appreciate!

I hear you. I have the same problems after a very long time of trying!!

Lady Eva, I would also like that tutorial, if it is possible?

Could I have it too please? I’m not getting anywhere at all.

Done, check your Messages tab. :slight_smile: