To you who traverse the Qliphothic spheres

What’s about Da’ath?
I read somewhere a time ago it is a portal…
I think it was in Grant’s Nightside of Eden.
Da’ath is according to the Vishudda Chakra,
I think.

Did anyone working with the Qliphoth work with Da’ath/his or her Vishudda Chakra perhaps to enter the qliphothic sphere?

Please tell me more about it.


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Did someone say Temple of Black Light? :heart_eyes:
I cherish the Book of Sitra Archa so much. It has changed me immensely. Completely changed me tbh. I’m an entirely different person than I was before traveling the spheres as presented in the Sitra Archa. The Dragons of the other side guided me to my higher self.
To answer your question, I do follow one tradition, current 218. I’m very much dedicated to the work of the temple and their outside coven Covenant 218.
I spent years studying various paths and practicing witchcraft and satanism in various ways before making my spiritual home in current 218.
I practiced qlippothic work from a Luciferian ideology standpoint through the grimoires of Michael W Ford. But, I’ve had much more success since discovering the current 218. The current has become my tradition. I don’t work with anything else.


I am doing something a little unorthodox with my Qliphothic working (if not entirely foolish to some). I am combining a basic knowledge of each of the qlipha from multiple sources, approaching the tree through a more shamanic like approach, and allowing each of the rulers teach me not only about the qlipha in general but how to direct that energy in every day life. Then I go back and research more in depth to see similarities between my own work and the work of others. This particular pathworking is focused on the spheres and the rulers in particular but I plan on going more in depth with the tunnels during another go around.


It’s ruled by Belial. Is in close contact with Tohu Bohu Chasek, is lawless :fire:



@Rav But Da’ath is no real Qlipha or Sephira.
In some maps it’s traditionally not mentioned.
What’s your source?

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I believe the first mentioning of it I am aware of is with Asenath Mason’s work. I remember it being mentioned in the Belial: Without A Master within her contribution. In my work, he was both present at the base of the tree and climbed up to where I would imagine Da’ath to be located. It may be one of those things found working with the tree, not necessarily through traditional research. Although that can be said with all of this at some point in history, really.


Tree of Qliphoth by Asenath Mason
Refered as the Abyss
Corrosponding entitys

Having traveled to both places in two different ways.
My UPG is they are both the same.

The first time was using Asenath Masons book as a guide. All the other times I travel through the dragon gateways. Belial is always there as a guide, always laughing haha.

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What is Shugal like?

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I’ve only worked with Belial.
Haha the name Shugal has been repeating in my head the past 3 days.
I forgot I wrote this. Super busy with other workings at the moment and dealing with crap that’s surfaced.
I take your post as a message for contact.

All I can say is when the name comes to mind the area gets blanketed in a dark energy. In my minds eye I see a Smokey wraith like appearance. Feels like death energy maybe. And I hear whispers all around.

Belials mad In a good way and straight to the point no fucking around :slight_smile:
Shugal’s energy feels different, more hidden, elusive, whispy.

Thanks for being the messenger.

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We arent really supposed to share this. surely you read the subtext in the front of the book