Just a quick question: whenever orobas has appeared to you, in dreams, for example, was he ever accompanied by two white horses? If yes, who or what do they represent? Thanks!
More of a singular horse figure. You might want to check that with other entities or forces; it sounds like your tuning into something else and instead interpreting it as Orobas.
How’s about summoning Orobas and asking him? He is pretty chill.
For the one particular dream, I’m certain it was Orobas. I called to him before I went to bed asking him if he would visit in my dreams so that I could talk to him. I never remember my dreams, but this one, over a year later, is still vivid in my memory.
I somehow knew that it was him, appearing as an impressive black horse with a shiny coat, as he has been described in other references. I only don’t know who the other two horses were, no less impressive but smaller overall. They followed him and left with him and my dream… happened.
When I called to him again a few weeks later i asked a simpler question and asked if he would answer it in my sleep, this time the answer was clear and short in the middle of the night, a booming powerful voice that woke me up right away.
I’ve not properly called on him since. The first two times I was not able to provide any form of tribute, as is recommended for summoning, like wine or some treat, and explained that in my appeal as well. For the third time, I’d rather do it right and not offend, but it’s been hard to fit that in when life is going on.
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