To LHP practitioners, how are you not scared of hell?

Never I identified myself as left or right hand practitioner but in both cases Islam is sending me to its precious Jahannam anyways.

But then again , no one simply knows if there is a hell or not. Do they?

There is not much I can do if it exists. Not much if it does not. I will do my thing.


Although if you think about it
everyone who’s ever lived and died knows whether there’s a hell or not
Billions of them, billions of humans since the beginning of humanity :scream::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Us living and alive in the Uknowing state are the minority
Lolz they’re probably placing bets who gets it right… :rofl:

But that makes me a little less scared based on how many have gone before.
Power in numbers right? Atleast I’ll suffer with friends :joy::joy::joy:


[quote=“Undying.Embers, post:67, topic:167139”]
Add: for example I kick a stump
Outcome my foot hurts
But I’m not being punished for kicking a stump by a big bad deity,[/quote]

[quote=“Undying.Embers, post:67, topic:167139”]
Add:everyone who’s ever lived and died knows whether there’s a hell or not[/quote]

Nope not a deity but how can you be sure the atoms making up the stump didn’t kick you back and that (that it isn’t hurting cuz they jumped forwards to kick you back as you kicked them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

As to the latter that everyone who’s gone before knows if there’s a heaven and hell… that’s assuming the atheists are wrong because if there right those dead don’t know anything at all right?

So @Undying.Embers Adding that :thinking: somehow the quotes don’t look right. Oh well whatever. And am atting to be sure you see the reply cuz with it looking like something didn’t work I just a wanna be sure

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Lol I see it :grin: not sure why Balg does that every now and then but mabye the imps are loose lolz

But yeah if the atheists were right then we simply loose all our tools in this universe we’ve come accustomed to using on a daily
Ie: touch, smell, taste, emotions, sight, etc etc.

:thinking: Mabye not so bad after all if it’s just rest :rofl:

Or mabye it just forces us to use other tools we didn’t know we had in our new form… After all the theory is energy can’t be created nor destroyed right? :person_shrugging:

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lol and my spell check made a mess as usual. Ah well rest reborn or afterlife well know when we get there (or not know if death is the end of things).

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i think it really depends on how you interpret hell , for me even if those place exist , it doesn’t make sense to put random people in it based on one point view of evil and good , namely christianity , i mean the judgement is based on what ? in certain situation you can not clearly have a good line of evil and bad unless it is based on a social construct , spiritually speaking , so what ? you will get in hell because you had a sexual relationship before marriage ? you see it is disprorpotionate , this logic made me think that if there are spirit , a better explanation of thoses “realms” is to be discovered and why people are in it and for how long , the work from other magickian about purgatory and other ancient underworld myth from around the world is adding another point of view about those realms too…

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