To LHP practitioners, how are you not scared of hell?

Hell awaits everyone from the most devout worshiper of religion to the strongest magicians so long as they do not know how to escape or manipulate the system in charge of our reality. Call those in charge archons or whatever you want but the promise of heaven is a lie and only hell awaits the majority regardless of what you do. What difference does summoning demons or black magick make if you don’t know the keys to the system to escape the inevitable?

How can I escape the system?

What is it you really want to discuss? Hell is mythology and mythology is metaforical langauge that speaks to the soul or subconscioness. This is why magicians use it. The evoked entitites are presented as angels, demons and elementals etc because the magician project his human ego onto the spirits. I base this theory on hinduism who contains the oldest spiritual esoteric practices. To find truth you need to go to the root.

Well, some believe hell is a physical place of literal pain and suffering. I had the idea from my dream to use the LHP and work with lucifer to teach me more about it and not be afraid. In case there is a real hell, how do you deal with it?

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even if somebody can assure me 100% that i ll go to hell stil i dont care.

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Everything is medicine and everything is poison
Just depends on who’s consuming.

As for Lucifer making things uncomfortable for you I can see that still as plausible.

I think of Lucifer like Morpheus from the matrix.
(Not offering a basket of flowers but the “truth”)
The truth can be scary

I think of The Christian God is the soul hungry controlling demi urge or what the matrix made as the Architect

And the magician is Neo.

But like I said
this is my medicine
But it keeps me from fearing hell because I look at hell or “the none believer afterlife” as like going to zion where we can resist the slavery and form a way to fight back.

Aka in other words “hope”


Indigo pill? (sorry, too much 4chan :sweat_smile: )

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: lolz

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Lately it occurred me to think about how spiritual paths sometimes have this tendency: one must recognize Jesus as God; no, he shouldn’t (Jeovah Witness, Islam…); Jesus wasn’t even the Messiah (Judaism); heaven lasts many centuries, but only esotericism may provide eternity; etc.
I already thought of that issue but this time, without reasoning I simply felt that the fundamental thing can’t be which doctrine is chosen. In fact, at least, those same doctrines also make less strict statements i. e. having to do with the “how”: this is what’s important.

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Mainly you have to know the system and understand it so you can choose your path through it. For me trance and consciousness to dissolve reality and lay bare the underlying matrix is the method I use.


Very brilliant explanation. It should be noted that for most of us, we see “hell” through the lens of Protestantism, or the classic Catholic depiction of Hell (although, modern Catholicism sees it quite differently). Judaism and Orthodox Christianity doesn’t see hell in quite the same way.

In my personal opinion, I would have said in the past I think it’s possible that some people go or are placed in spiritual realms like this after death. I would still say it’s possible, but I’ve had some spiritual experiences in which I felt that even those who have commited terrible things face no punishment after death.

I didn’t understand how that could be. But, I’ve come to see that we are not individuals in the way we might think, but are rather embodiments of different divine Ideas of The One, if I can put it like that. When you observe those spiritual forces and Ideas in the natural world and come to see Hermes’ very well known saying “As Above, So Below” (as in, the material world mirrors the spiritual heavens) in action, you realise this truly is a Cosmos (meaning, "That which is beautifully ordered). This entire world is living, as Plotinus says, and when you and everything else is part of one living cosmos, it starts to make sense how this can be so.

Of course, that us simply my views and I’m not suggesting it’s the one truth, which I’m doubtful there may even be “one truth”, let alone one that can be put into words. However, it seems this general view of The One was near universal before modern times, no matter the culture.


I’ll give you a tip for your spiritual quest; distrust of everything that takes your power away as an individual. The Elite never wanted powerful, wise, independent individuals who have each their own plans. They want a herd. They maintain Society as a herd by spreading disinformation and fear. Never mind books and priests; if you believe in a God ask the truth to Himself. Learn to distrust and question even your own experiences. It’s a tricky world. Heck, it’s not only Catholicism that has manipulation, even New Age with that “we’re all one” mentality is manipulative.

My opinion/belief is, your environment depends on the state of your mind. So if you end up living in a bad place (here or in the Hereafter), it means your mind (conscious and subconscious) is full of “I deserve the worse” mentality. Forgive yourself and the Universe will forgive you.


Maybe for some of us, dark magicians, Hell has been whatever we endure or are enduring in this life and it’s hard to imagine there is a worse place than Earth.


Acceptance of hell is choosing to remain a victim


In left Hand path, you are like a cancer against the all. If you are not strong enough, thought of system will “cure” you is not a absurd idea.

Separation is hell, I am not judging lhp practicioners, but think with this way : when you are burning, only difference will be you will be break trough your organs and molecules, it is a form of physical separation. Lhp is the path of separation


Curious :thinking:
So really more of a systematic process then a thought form of punishment?

Not to say burning isn’t painful but u know :rofl:

Add: for example I kick a stump
Outcome my foot hurts
But I’m not being punished for kicking a stump by a big bad deity, that would just be a lack of understanding
In reality it’s just cause and effect or universal laws ie you control what you do but there are natural consequences
rather than (this path is good because good is x and this path is bad because bad is y)

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I saw people being abused all theyr life , i m sure hell can be a better place than that .

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When I was a kid about 5 years old I already hated God. I hated the idea of an “all powerful being” who couldn’t help the millions of people dying and suffering. Like at least, AT LEAST, please cut down the suffering by 50%. We’re all trying to help one another and this would at least give us more hope, at least be something we could start to help. But no, the all great powerful God, the all merciful just can’t do that. But you know what he can do? He can help you pass your math test. He can somehow find the time to help someone get a new car. But he can’t help the mother who lost her baby, the child who is being beaten by their parents, and all of the other many injustices. I was a child and I hated God. Hell doesn’t scare me. The idea of being part of Heaven, spending eternity worshipping a being who in my opinion doesn’t deserve any respect…I’ll choose Hell any day. Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven. I don’t hate the Christian religion, I hate your God. I sleep just peacefully knowing that I’ve had demons help me PLENTY of times do GOOD things for people even if you think that is “impossible” by the very nature of it. But I hope that answers your question; our fears are not the same.


C.Kendall They dont know how much power and knowledge you bring to the table!! but they learned TODAY!!

Because it’s made up to scare people away from power.

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