To do it or not to do it

black magick do nothing if u don’t change how to communicate when the opportunity is there. It’s still socializing that require work on. Work on your social skills. That’s what keeps relationships or friendship. Magick only bring up chance for you to interact. U still gots to interact. common sense, no???

How can she show interest if you not interesting to her? why would she stick around if your not interesting? If you act the same your going to get same results. lack of interest from her. Seems your too focus on the goal instead of the process of getting to know each other or to explore life together.


I totally get your point and I´m grateful, but I tried to change before. I tried different sort of things to please her, did things that I did not when we were a couple and that was still not enough. I even think that she told me she didn´t want to hurt me because I was acting more kind than the usual. Then I thought that maybe I will need help to conquer her again.

that’s the problem, your begging. your doing things to please to get approval. That never works. Woman are not above you. They are equals. YOur putting them as higher status power position than you.

YOur not being yourself. Your acting. woman is not to be conquered. You need to re-evaluate your concept of what a relationship / friendship means.


That´s exactly what I did tbh. Deep inside I knew it wasn’t going to work but I just wanted to please her. Whatever, I’m gonna text her anyway.

Sad that she didn’t even opened the message.

Try this:

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Some advice for people that is proven. In a relationship crisis, turning to spirituality or assistance is needed sometimes as thats what i am doing to try to give an extra nudge. However if its a recent breakup or seperation, 1st step is to stop push behaviors such as crying, whining, pleading, and begging. 2nd step work on being the best you - you can be. 3rd step- dont cut off contact unless your other half does it first, unless youre fine with being broken up. 4th step if theres a third party, you have to make yourself the better person., someone doesnt leave another unless they think what theyre going to is better. Everything i just mentioned was learned the hard way. Now i need spirit help to change her mind because i know im better and know my worth… another thing, limmerence is an emotion that is more powerful than any drug, and the only way to combat that is thru spirit. @Lady_Eva if this comment isnt allowed here i apologize but i just felt compelled to give some insight from a psychological view.


then there is also the ’ she/he is beyond help due to stubbornness and stupidity. You can’t teach stupid. You know them. they keep going to abusers and they know it. They keep going to jerks. and they know it. clap your hands. lol Some people. no matter what you do . can’t be helped. They gravity toward bad person and run away from good people. It’s due to familiarity of bad treatment. That’s why some people you treat like trash, love you. Then when you treat them well, they run away.

That’s when it’s time to let go and move on to better people. It’s not you. your golden. its’ the other person being low level being. Might take several lifetime for them to get up to your level. =o)

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Should I say out loud? And btw, this is gonna sound stupid as hell but should I say “higher self” in english? I’m asking because there is no literal translation to that in my native language. But thanks for your help anyway.

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That’s so true man. I have my flaws but I teached her so many about different things, helped her with school works and her ex before me did some really bad things to her but yeah some people just like to be bad treated. The thing is that I still have fellings for her and and We were a couple I also Made mistakes, so I’m not giving up yet.

The separation was like 8 months ago but I just a coward and too proud and kept talking to her as a friend instead of just saying that I don’t to be a friend. 2 weeks ago I told her I needed some time so it was me who cut contact, then she sent me a message and cancelled it. Yesterday I texted her and she didn’t opened the message like I said. I’m just so confused.

Out loud, or in your mind will do. :+1:

Yes, or use the term in your own language for the same thing.

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never sacrifice yourself for another that don’t want you. You can’t force others to like you. No point helping them if your getting the short end of the stick. think about it. YOu help them and the get better and benefits. And you end up losing a limb. metaphor. And they go live a better life cuz of you , however, you end up losing a great resource , one of your limbs. Nothing to show for it.

Don’t give your power away for someone that don’t want you. You helping them is just going to let the next guy she goes with benefit.from your good deeds. And you’ll be in her dust. So think about the time/efffort/resource your sacrificing to get her. Is it worth it if she’s not even a guarantee? she’s not even meeting halfway which is a big sign to move on.

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Ah, don’t get too fussed up about it bro. In reality, romantic life really is about the chase. Sometimes when you catch up to someone finally and you’ve had enough taste of them; it’s normal to move forward. But obviously you still feel something so my advice is don’t play the push-pull method for long or else interest subsides.

On average, many women talk to other guys, or merely have options far more available than men do half the time — they move on quick to what’s new and exciting before you could even finish your last love spell! :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want to play it safely, just keep in touch every couple of weeks or so. Through text.

There are only very few exes and female friends that I’ve chosen to keep in contact with. There’s a reason why you shouldn’t revisit the opportunity with an ex if it’s not even mutual investment.

In saying that, who knows; you could’ve replied back quite promptly, and it may have been you whose had the last word.
The people who enter our lives did for a reason, if they’ve exited, that was for a reason too.

Safe regards bro

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Thanks! Truly grateful! I did it and she texted me. Could it be a sign that her higher self accepted my appeal? Any advice from now on?

No, except to say that seems good, but you need advice on dating from other guys really, women are notoriously not good at knowing what other women will find attractive. :wink:


I get it. I was also thinking in contacting Dantalion… is it okay or should I wait a bit more? Also, do I keep talking to her or should I wait for her to initiate the conversations? Sorry for asking so many questions, I’m really a newbie in all of this.

Well, she just texted me. Any advice? Should I wait for her to initiate conversations or take the lead? And about asking for help of Dantalion?

I know but I stil have hope that things get well. She texted me… any advice besides of course stop acting and just be myself? Can I ask for Dantalion help too?

Alright I’ll just give practical dude advice. I deliberately turned down your replies to see if you could make up your mind but I’ll try pitch in my two cents. :slight_smile: I didn’t turn them down to be rude, I either forget to reply or leave it up to the person (sorry to everyone I’ve left unread in PM lol).

This is all on you man. Do what you want, I’d personally leave it on a tangent and just assume what needs to be done with my life before anything else, I lose interest in people when I realise I have tasks be done, because those tasks are usually more interesting and important at the time.

I realised when I’m focusing on what I need to do; I am not eager for responses or waiting to give a response for or from anyone. I think this is what a lot of us tend to get caught up in… the whole chase/push-pull is equivalent to head games and can cause head fucks.

Since I don’t know the chemistry between you two personally it’s a bit of a hit or miss what I can offer as advice personally. I will still stand by what I said…hit her up in a week or something. It’s just these fleeting moments of subtle texts throughout the weeks that’ll keep interest peaking, then subsiding in intervals.

So if it continues like that you may get to the point where you’ll have proper conversations again, since this is an ex — I’m assuming not all of it is going to be sexually relating as you obviously have feelings for her. But keep the sexual energy within you flowing.

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