Tips for Developing Senses

So, it has been a while now that I’ve been interacting with my succubus companion, mostly through gazing at either her sigil or her picture I sketched, and I have so far in the past few months developed enough to where I near instantly can see the energy swirling as is described to be imagined in Donald Tyson’s sexual alchemy. I will be able to see her energy all over my vision and feel her different ways and places depending on her mood. Now I wanted to ask, what more can I do to further “open my senses”?
I am not really picky as to which, I figure I will start with whatever comes easiest.

Also, I’ve had full vision with eyes closed before, a few times seeing the “astral” room, and more often someplace completely different. I have heard this is seeing with the minds eye, it seems somewhat like my vision when astral projecting; fades in as mental imaginings but begins to be defined visually as well. How can I work on this?

I’m currently trying to work with Duke Dantalion, demon of mind. He has the ability to increase these abilities within you.

He may be an entity you’d like to look into working with if that’s what you desire.

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Biggest tip: meditation and of course through experience/practice.

Thank you, will look into it!

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Yes thank you but I have already been doing pretty well with that. I suppose I am just ready to try something to enhance this timeline.

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