Tips for Belphegore

Hello Everyone!

As of March 2022 I have been very drawn to Belphegore. Trying to research on him is quite difficult and the descriptions he has are rather vague and seem like he has way more to offer then what is written on him.

Do any of you have any experience with Belphegore and how did you go about summoning him or working with him? What are some things he has helped you with?

I would greatly appreciate all of your comments. Thank you!

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I think Belphegore is more of a work smarter rather than harder type entity, I think he helps with self preservation by strengthening self worth, kinda like the old rich people that have people working for them, that’s the vibe always got from him, which makes sense because he represents the solar aspect, the gold and the ego

So self respect and money are a big part of the current from what I know but I never worked with him this just my knowledge on him, I’m sure there’s more to him though

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I think this is very true.

While studying Belphegor I came to the conclusion that laziness and brilliance/creativity and insight are linked. For example its reported that geniuses like Einstein and Archimedes had their greatest discoveries while not working but taking a break. Archimedes while taking a bath if memory serves right, after which he ran through the streets naked apparently :grin:

I think its important to note though that the goal shouldnt necessarily be to be as lazy as can be but rather not being ashamed of ones laziness once it does occur.