Time travelling magick?

Ok so is there any time travelling magick to go back to say maybe 15-20 years ago?

The people who are no longer with us today do they appear back?

Has anyone had any success with this?

Nah, the only people who have done this had equipment with massive voltages and magnetic fields and jumped into them. There’s some stuff on the old Art Bell Coast to Coast AM radio shows about it, but it’s not something that’s done in the western occult, we can’t raise the energies needed with just a ceremonial circle and without being fully ascended.


I wonder what would happen if someone did and then made different decisions that would have a major impact on their life vs if they made the same ones.


You can visit something that previously happened through remote viewing or astral travel.

If you’d like to make a difference in something from the past, I highly recommend Taylor Ellwood’s book on the subject. They are a bit dense of a read, but it’s good material.


What if someone is no longer alive? But they were alive then?

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It doesn’t really matter. If you look on amazon there’s quite a few books on remote viewing in kindle unlimited, and my experience with viewing the past in the astral is something similar. While I can interact with it, it doesn’t change anything other than I got to experience it.

Remote viewing is more like just watching it happen.

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That’s not actually true- it’s like a half lie lol. If I’m visiting the past in an attempt to heal someone or bring back a piece of their soul the past I visit isn’t necessarily historically accurate. It’s more of a representation of what happened in to them in their mind, how they see it.

Doing this does change the present, and the person may have dreams or other experiences shortly thereafter that also help with the problem and their resolution of it.

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I developed a servitor for this purpose.

Try this:

And read this:

Hope this helps.


They’d be in a different version of the universe. The one they left would still be the same, with the version of them living it as they were before. The new one would carry on with the ne probabilities in a different timeline.

It’s possible to view alternate timelines made by the different choices you have made in your life. Every choice splits off more versions, in infinite variety, so they say. I get glimpses of a timeline where I never left the UK because I took the other job offer when I was 23 for example. Mostly in dreams but I can get there in deep vision work as well.

You can change your present, and what I think happens is you switch to another timeline. You remember it all as you, but the people in that timeline don’t share your old memories. You have to ely on other people and results to see the difference, as you won’t get new memories.


That’s very interesting. There must be many different timelines given the many different decisions we can make throughout the day that would affect our future differently.


Rick and Morty…

It’s a little out there but it helps make it an understandable subject… :rofl:

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Infinite variety means infinite universes in the multiverse, in theory. :woman_shrugging:

Am I dating myself if I say “Groundhog Day”. :joy:


For example my gran who passed in 2016, would i see her if i were to travel back to that year? And speak to her

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To me, Groundhog Day was really about reincarnation. He had to live the same day repeatedly to learn certain lessons so he could be a better person. Once he became that person, he was worthy of the love of the woman he wanted.

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I read tat the key is laydow , and after meditate you should or what you call get out by you feet you toe fingers,astral,or imaginary,you will back in time.to any place,time,the thing is you will be in danger due not cash,shelter,or support,and after you wish or issues you fix go back,yes you can bring stuff ,but it’s not easy.i through a lot of tis.im talking 20 80 years only

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You could yes, but it would only be a shade of her, it wouldn’t necessarily be a reflection of what’s going on now where ever she is- since passing. It’s like accessing the universal memory of that day and moment and it being an interactive experience instead of video experience.

You could however enter the astral with the intentions of finding her, hold that intention until you arrive and theoretically find her in a journey style way.

I wish there were a way to bring your conscious back in your body. Like if you could bring your nowadays mind into your body 15-20 years back and correct what you did wrong and live your life again doing the right things. This is what I would sell my soul for. Unfortunately, I’ve never heard of anything like this.

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