Time Travel or Reality Shaping

Hey guys… I want to know if it’s actually possible to travel to the past, even if just to 6 months ago (enough for me), because, well, I’m nearing my breaking point with a tecnhical school(where you study to be a professional in some area, alongside high school) related thing… It’s way beyond my capacity and I am doing it alone… Java really is the worst thing I encountered in my life… I wanted to have chosen the other option, of doing work for the certificate…

this thing is getting in the way of everything in my life, including my magick training…

so, can I either time travel or summon an entity powerful enough to change my reality as if I alrealdy have the certificate or have finished this Project?

the only problem in this tough, is that I can’t see spirits yet…

I’m up to anything now…

You can try it, but don’t limit yourself on the method, or even what the problem is. I have used time jumping in meditation mostly for information gathering, not reality shifts, although there are some side effects at times.

In my experience, the spirits you call or the technique you use will handle whatever is needed to create the result, let the powers you summon figure out the how.

Focus totally on the end result that you want, and let the spell or spirit handle the rest.