Time to launch the main assault phase of a lengthy operation

Long read ahead.

To cut a very long story short. A very long operation I’ve been undertaking is about to move to the next phase and I want to make sure I’m maximising chances of success.

Some very atrocious, psychopathic folk have been trying to completely wreck (and on some occasions have tried to literally end) my life for nearly eight years.

It would take several days to explain the whole rotten scenario, so I won’t go into it.

There are 30 or so who have actively, deliberately and knowingly taken part in this offending and require justice to varying degrees.

But this next phase is all about the nine ring leaders. All have destroyed many innocent people’s lives before they came into my life and all will destroy many more if they are allowed to have their way.

Therefore I seek justice for myself and their other victims and to protect their future victims.

That is why this next phase is intended to remove the threat in perpetuity. I realise that this difficult to achieve and that If successful, it will likely take some time to unfold.

The preparatory barrage (or artillery preparation of the battlefield so to speak) has been underway for nearly two years. I had planned to move to this next phase early this year, but got a strong intuitive sense that it wasn’t time yet, that I had to let the preparatory attacks diminish enemy capability further and also prepare myself further.

I knew that I would know when the time was right. I very strongly feel now that it is time to begin the main offensive.

Meditating on it, my original plan to execute this phase of the operation doesn’t feel quite right. Instead I’ve found myself drawn very much more to a different ritual structure (actually a much more simplistic one).

In essence I guess I would say I felt my way to is this new design.

Phase 2.1: Suppress or destroy in place any remaining defences

Phase 2.2: Launch an ICBM with nine warheads

For phase 2.1 I intend to engage Vine. For phase 2.2 I was originally going to engage Glasya Labolas, but have felt a very strong pull towards Forcalor. However, I have never worked with Forcalor before so have no per existing relationship.

I have worked with Glasya before a number of times (including doing the full 12 day Magickal Attack master curse ritual on each one of the nine ringleaders, finishing the last one over a year ago).

I gather Forcalor can be a little riskier to work with, but I am feeling a draw towards engaging him for this.

If anyone has any insight into which I should go with, I would be happy to hear your take.

The two rituals that came to me are both very similar and both very simplistic. It involves printing out the pictures and names of the targets around the edges of one piece of paper and drawing the sigil of the spirit in the middle.

Then I would write a petition on the back of the sheet.

Then raising some energy, opening the sigil, and chanting the relevant enn whilst building emotion and allowing the horrific deeds of each target to pass through my mind. Then switching to chanting the spirits name and focussing clearly for some time on a mental image of each target in turn in the intended end state and then when it feels right, making the request, offering public praise as an offering.

I feel that there will be some additional ad lib here which will come to me naturally in the moment.

Then when I close the ritual, I intend to bury the peace of paper some distance away.

What am I hoping for in terms of contribution here:

1). Views as to whether I would be better to engage Glasya Labolas or Forcalor for phase 2.2

2). Whether the ritual design has any flaws I’m not seeing

3). Whether there is anything I can do to improve this process.

Please note that I have serious limitations of space. Due to other factors of where I live I am unable to use incense, smoke, anything strong smelling or use any flame bigger than a candle. I also have to keep chanting etc very quiet.

4). Any thing else you think I might have missed

I understand that some will respond with “evoke them and ask them”, but my astral senses are pretty terrible. I realise that this further complicates things. For me, clair audient experiences are very rare. In terms of unconventional senses, I feel rather than hearing or seeing. Speaking of which, as I am writing this, I am feeling some notable energies in the room, around me and rippling through my body. Feels like something is taking an interest.

Others will respond with “do some divination”, but my divination is often unreliable. I realise this this further complicates thing. Although while we are talking divination, if any of you who are skilled in this feel like doing some quick divination on this plan and letting me know what comes up, that would be hugely appreciated (no pressure).

I realise that some will propose blood or other bodily fluid offerings. But when I was meditating on these rituals and considered these as offerings, I got a really strong sense not to go there, like my energy system felt it was flashing me a strong warning not to make bodily offerings. I intend to heed that warning.

For me, this is the phase I hope will end an eight year nightmare, will bring justice for many, and prevent many more people from going through what I and many others have. Eight years have led to this.

Thanking you all in advance my friends

Quick update.
The presence came to be felt more strongly. It felt very familiar to me, but I couldn’t place it. So after a while, I busted out my pendulum for a chat.
As I mentioned before, divination is of mixed reliability for me, but all answers were very strong, clear and consistent even when I tested with contradictory questions, random questions and different wordings of the same questions. But still my track record with divination is mixed, so I am aware that I cannot consider the outcome a certainty.

It was a long chat (as yes no answer processes aimed at reaching detailed information tend to be). Basic gist, if the responses are accurate, its Vevaliah. I petitioned him with Brand’s 11 day process about two years ago to destroy eight of the ringleaders (the ninth had not been identified at that time). I had forgotten about doing this one and actually had to check my log to confirm it.

Chat indicates that now the time has come, he’s standing to and reporting for duty.

Although I am aware that my divination is of mixed reliability, I find this encounter very encouraging. If anyone good at divination wants to do a quick check to confirm or refute, feel free to do so.

Edit: Forgot to mention, part way through the pendulum session I asked him if he could talk to me clair audiently in a way that I could ‘hear’ him despite my under developed clair audience. Got a yes from the pendulum.
A very high pitched, continous tone started which sounded like it was coming from my right hand side. After a while, it had not changed and I wasn’t getting words. So I asked if we could go back to talking with the pendulum. The high pitched noise stopped immediately.