Can a magician give an entity time frame to complete his or task issued. If yes what’s the advantages. If No what’s the disadvantages of trying to give a time frame
I don’t give them time frames, I don’t know where this idea came from. They’re the experts at manifesting you just command and be patient.
The less you lust for a result the faster it will come. I did a ritual for my friend to get some money a few months ago and he said he got like $7000 free money this month, and has 20k circulating.
I completely forgot about the ritual. And I definitely didn’t give a time limit.
That would be like contracting construction guys but then demanding they build a house in a given time. Their guys do the estimations.
Enforcing a time-frame is only going to ruin your shit.
It’s better to do a ritual AHEAD of time.
Emergency magick or crisis magick although a thing, is really not ideal. You essentially roll the magickal dice and hop for the best. If you are not in a crisis or emergency just do magick and busy yourself with something else.
I’ve found when I do a lot of magick I forget any my previous desires so then when I look back at my magickal journal I realized everything came to fruition.
If I need something by a certain date, then I ask for it. But most of the time, no. The advantage is pretty clear? You get what you want when you want it. Disadvantages? I don’t know, you’re limiting your magick?
For example, I need someone to agree with me before 3 days are over because they thing I need agreement about starts on the fourth day. It’s appropriate to ask for a timeframe. I try not to given them though, sometimes the spirits give me a time frame (now that I’m thinking on it, usually that happens for baneful workings).
Alongside what Meow said
One advantage is I know it was my magick when its on a frame. I am not that sure otherwise, unless its blatantly obvious.
One disadvantage is sometimes you give too little time for something to happen. It may also put you in pressure.