Tibetan chanting meditationcombined with dark visualisation received a sigil

I decided today to do a meditation free of limitation (time) and see the results. I had on the background a tibetan chanting ([url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqhLl15GxZE&list=PLz9P6flgCsqqdfreXcsg6OdKkCs7AtYEu&index=5]Buddhist Meditation Music Relax Mind Body: Buddhist Monk Chant Mantra Zen Music Healing Music - YouTube)
and I chanted alash tad alash within me.

After some time I received a strong image of a sigil and then a voice instructed me that I was to use this for meditation to strengthen my inner self and connect with my ascended dark “twinself”. The momment I opened the sigil I felt a strong connection and when I meditated I was transfered in a cosmic place of stars and astral swirls. A very beautiful landscape. I saw the “Darkness” and it was beautiful.

I cannot describe it. I felt peace,power and calmness. I thought that I stayed in that place for 5 mins but when I came to 2 hours had already passed and I saw a great health benefit in my body. (I was currently ill but suddenly everything went back to normal.) Anyway I wanted to share~

Try it if you want and post the results :smiley:


A BIG UPDATE!!! I decided to do a quick opening of the sigil again.
I sat on my chair put the sigil in my left hand and started to gaze on it chanting alash tad alash. The sigil started immideately to flash! I closed my eyes and said:
“I ask of you to hear me and guide me. Show me how to use this further, reveal to me its meaning. I call you to come to me and speak with me”

Immideately energy started to emit from my palms and an inverted pentagram came down from the ceiling and passed through me. In my inner vision I saw myself changing into a silverish white being with a mask with no eyes. Then I heard a voice saying: “Very well I will explain this mystery to thee.”

“To meditate with this sigil is to change one’s self. While assuming the form you re becoming one with your inner self and you get unified with your energy and get calmer. You can walk on the corridors of the Cosmos and explore… You can discover new things, new ways…”

I responded by saying show me what do you mean.

“Very well, here walk among the first corridor, you will find yourself there. You cannot advance without knowing thy self. Sit down, while there confront your other self. Remove the mask. See who you are. Your desires, lies, sins…
Confront them and be free. This feeling right now is control over one’s self. You are letting your energy free with yourself calmed down so you can use it accordingly. Through this you can push it (zeal chakra) and empower thyself and your rituals. This is the way to control one’s inner Flame.”

I thanked and closed the session. All of this was in a claircognisense state sort of. Energy was flowing within me but from a different source like it was coming from somewhere else. It was weird and unique! My palms were red and hot and a swirl of energy were coming out. I felt complete control and I could push it instantly. When I tried to concetrate over my zeal chakra the energy came out in a sec. It was stunning! I recommend you give this a try guys~ :smiley:

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Don’t you think that you’re opening your self too much?Sorry for this but there are parasites out there and other forces that can take advantage of you without realizing it.Just make sure that you’re driving with some kind of safety

Yes indeed it seems like that. But I was instructed to share it. It is unique for every individual and not a connected space. :smiley:

Open thyself!

The sigil and words you received resonated very much with me. I am rather
picky when it comes to using the workings/conjurations of others. This sigil seems like strange timing, I have had an inkling that even though my experience would vary from yours, its the right step for me.

I preformed in a new ritual area by where I live, perhaps consecrated my ritual ground for the foreseeable future. Its great to finally have a place to feel comfortable with.

In the background is some sort of animal making a sound. I have not discerned the animal but I feel like noise is helpful for me to enter the crossroads state. It sort of dissolves and time slows, I just need to learn to not focus at all on the sounds of the world. I think its toads, at least I hope so.

I did not enter a deep trance state although I felt the power of Erics conjuration and that I made contact with the sigil. Whenever I “empower” something with “energy” - I see it not as black light or a light of creation per say, rather a neon-black and sometimes purple aura envelopes my gaze. Your sigil does this beautifully for me. I feel like this neon-black, known also as shadow is my base faculty. Perhaps everyone is drawn to their own varying path, I realized mine recently - that I could call shadow magic.

I found bones outside the pseudo-swamp area, today I brought them with me. It was funny and rather refreshing that I found out it was a swamp area when I feel into the muk lol. It looked solid with a layer of dirt on top and because I was carrying a concrete block along the way to use later as an alter, I left the hiking stick I found to discern what I can step onto. Luckily my phone diddn’t fall out of my jacket into the murk. I almost droped all the bones from a bovine(?) into it too. Found the flashlight is water resistant+. This water is great for harnessing the law of concealment.

Some critters came. A red spider was attracted to your sigil, it crawled on top when I was making it and then tried to crawl on me. SO fucking beautiful, couldn’t capture a picture in time though. Also while my shoes were drying a small scorpian scuttled against my foot before the rite

I’m trying to figure out what spider that was, apparently theres like no online source of red spiders in arizona. Watch that was some crazy mutant black widow that is red with a black hourglass or something haha

I used the bones in conjunction with the sigil, my blood and most importantly the full moon in Scorpio to empower the rite and ritual ground. As well as Eric’s conjuration. Here is a video I had to take because the earth and elements were alive and breathing before I even began the working. Spent around an hour there, and a hour walking too and fro. Will’ continue this practice, i’ll let ya know of any developments. The light in the video is like that because I droped it in the watery muk.


[quote=“Jaron E, post:6, topic:7587”]The sigil and words you received resonated very much with me. I am rather
picky when it comes to using the workings/conjurations of others. This sigil seems like strange timing, I have had an inkling that even though my experience would vary from yours, its the right step for me.

I preformed in a new ritual area by where I live, perhaps consecrated my ritual ground for the foreseeable future. Its great to finally have a place to feel comfortable with.

In the background is some sort of animal making a sound. I have not discerned the animal but I feel like noise is helpful for me to enter the crossroads state. It sort of dissolves and time slows, I just need to learn to not focus at all on the sounds of the world. I think its toads, at least I hope so.

I did not enter a deep trance state although I felt the power of Erics conjuration and that I made contact with the sigil. Whenever I “empower” something with “energy” - I see it not as black light or a light of creation per say, rather a neon-black and sometimes purple aura envelopes my gaze. Your sigil does this beautifully for me. I feel like this neon-black, known also as shadow is my base faculty. Perhaps everyone is drawn to their own varying path, I realized mine recently - that I could call shadow magic.

I found bones outside the pseudo-swamp area, today I brought them with me. It was funny and rather refreshing that I found out it was a swamp area when I feel into the muk lol. It looked solid with a layer of dirt on top and because I was carrying a concrete block along the way to use later as an alter, I left the hiking stick I found to discern what I can step onto. Luckily my phone diddn’t fall out of my jacket into the murk. I almost droped all the bones from a bovine(?) into it too. Found the flashlight is water resistant+. This water is great for harnessing the law of concealment.

Some critters came. A red spider was attracted to your sigil, it crawled on top when I was making it and then tried to crawl on me. SO fucking beautiful, couldn’t capture a picture in time though. Also while my shoes were drying a small scorpian scuttled against my foot before the rite

I’m trying to figure out what spider that was, apparently theres like no online source of red spiders in arizona. Watch that was some crazy mutant black widow that is red with a black hourglass or something haha

I used the bones in conjunction with the sigil, my blood and most importantly the full moon in Scorpio to empower the rite and ritual ground. As well as Eric’s conjuration. Here is a video I had to take because the earth and elements were alive and breathing before I even began the working. Spent around an hour there, and a hour walking too and fro. Will’ continue this practice, i’ll let ya know of any developments. The light in the video is like that because I droped it in the watery muk.

Oh my god Iam so happy to hear that~ Iam glad that it was of use for you too. Please keep me updated Iam very much interested in this. During the last days I was contacted also by lovecraftian entities. i made a posta bout it here. I am writing a grimoire and I include spirits that Ive worrked with and helped me never heard of before. So if ya get anything good give me some feedback~

There was a message for me in that sigil as well - I can’t disclose more, and obviously I don’t think that was all it was for, I’m not THAT egotistical :o) but the message was clear and understood.

I would imagine that, just as the demonic Kings packed layer upon layer of meaning and messages into the consecutive evocations E.A. did a while ago, this sigil, and a lot of the other stuff you’re channelling recently, has “easter eggs” for serious magicians here (and beginners or the curious too no doubt) tucked away.

Thank you for this! :slight_smile:

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:8, topic:7587”]There was a message for me in that sigil as well - I can’t disclose more, and obviously I don’t think that was all it was for, I’m not THAT egotistical :o) but the message was clear and understood.

I would imagine that, just as the demonic Kings packed layer upon layer of meaning and messages into the consecutive evocations E.A. did a while ago, this sigil, and a lot of the other stuff you’re channelling recently, has “easter eggs” for serious magicians here (and beginners or the curious too no doubt) tucked away.

Thank you for this! :)[/quote]
Thank you for using it and giving the feedback, Iam grateful and glad that those sigils where of help not only for me but for you as well. This month and the next one I sense will be “Productive”