Three Free Spirit/Tarot Readings,a gift from Prince Orobas

I will accept the first three that post.

Rules: you must be available and present ( vis pm) for your reading. I didn’t like giving readings to balg pm and never hearing back. ( Your feedback helps me grow and master new techniques)

Two: you must not have had a reading from me in the last four calendar weeks. ( I’m watching :wink:)

You may choose

A general 4-6 week future forecast by way of ten card method.

You may choose to ask up to three yes or no questions

You may choose to ask about a specific matter and I will answer by one or three card at my discretion.

First three served,…don’t forget to thank Prince Orobas!


Im up for a reading :point_up:

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I’d like one!:two_hearts:

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Amalek your first I’ll pm you in a moment.

Ahhlee you’re second I’ll be with you in ten to fifteen minutes max please be ready.

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could one?

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You are third and I’ll be with you in approx 20 min

@DarkestKnight or @Mulberry please lock the thread thank you.


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I would need to know which spiritual entities are connected to me
I will give you all the information you need

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Hi Sara I’m sorry but I’ve already got three lined up. Watch for me in a week or two.

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