We have a special treat for you this month.
I’m happy to announce that we’re featuring one of our forum favorites, Thomas Wright, in this current installment of Interviews With A Magus. (His user name is DK the Mage)
If you’re not a member, subscribe for your free first month, right here, to tune in now: [url=http://www.becomealivinggod.com/interviewseries]http://www.becomealivinggod.com/interviewseries[/url]
This month E.A. and I wanted to change things up, and try something different.
So far we’ve featured some of the most powerful magicians and mystics in the world… everyone from Phil Farber to Robert Bruce to Uncle Chuckie and Dante Abiel. (And MANY MORE notable sorcerers and sages to come)
That’s all well and good, and it’s awesome to get inside the mind of a magus or true master… but what about people who could benefit from learning directly from a person who is at the same stage in the game as them?
There is MUCH to be gotten from relating to the journey of a fellow traveler who is in the same phase of their transformation as you. It gives you fresh and alternative perspectives on the solutions to challenges you are facing.
This is why we invited our good friend Thomas to join us, to discuss his own personal development through the intermediary stage of Ascent.
We feel this could give you a sense of familiarity and belonging, as well as encouragement and inspiration to keep moving. One of the difficulties mages face in their voyage is what’s called the “plateau”. This is where they stop growing and rising, and sort of level off and fall behind, because they feel defeated or bored due to their lack of success and deep frustration.
It’s CRUCIAL you continue your Ascent, no matter how steep the cliff ahead of you.
Inside this month’s interview with Thomas, you’re going to learn:
His personal story and discovery of magick - how he grew up indoctrinated inside a Christian cult, went on to battle drugs and endure prison time, only to experience a REBIRTH in his newfound devotion to magick and the occult - magick and spirituality “saved” him and turned his life around
His unique visual technique to instantly get into the theta-gamma synch - a meditation he innovated himself by “guessing and testing”
How to develop your Magickal Imagination for soul travel and mental wandering - and why it’s so critical for you to do this FIRST instead of later, so you spare yourself from heartache and trouble down the road
A proven method for erecting a solid spiritual defense during evocation - Thomas shares his fascinating story of how he built an etheric forcefield so strong that it actually stopped physical smoke from traveling between rooms
E.A. and he discuss the details of successful evocations each have enjoyed, and share the remarkable eccentricities of their individual results - the two bond over a common respect for the strapping and terrifying angel, Metatron
And A LOT more…
What’s cool about Thomas is that he has a real genuine appreciation for magick and the occult, and it’s fun to see him progress. And he’s completely honest about his strengths and weaknesses.
This is why it’s such a helpful and endearing interview for anyone who is at his same stage in development. (Or ANY stage for that matter)
Perhaps someday he will be a magus, and have a collection of his own insightful books and training programs that he has authored, full of cutting edge ideas and rituals that enable you to Become A Living God.
If you’re a subscriber, go watch the interview right now, right here:
If you’re not, sign up right here:
If you enjoy the concept of hearing the personal stories, triumphs, and struggles of your fellow aspirants, let us know by commenting below, and perhaps we’ll do more in addition to the Magus Interviews.