Thinner Veils in Some Areas

The boundary between parallel universes is thought to be thinner in some areas compared to other areas, according to a handful of physicists. I’ll find the citation later on, but wanted to make this post before I forget.

Anyways, I’m interested to hear you all discuss whether this is true and affects our ability to communicate with spirits. Are some locations more porous to the universes containing spirits than others? Does spirit-based magick work better in some places and worse in other places?

Discuss away.


I live in Arizona for a long time, near Navajo Nation, i was invited they regularly by the shaman, i found that the magick there is quite strong compared to most places. Also the mountains where the Hopi lived as well, and Mystic Mountain as well, it is said the thunder bird lives there and weather magick is quite a bit more potent when preformed at the base or on top of it. In all Arizona is a very magickal place to be and where the veil is very much thinner.


Sedona is my favorite place to be. I ought to take a trip up there soon.

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Have you been to any of the Mesas in Hopi Land?


I once went there as part of a vacation along with sedona before I was into magick, I thought it was bs then lol

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Yes i have

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That’s cool! :smile:
I’ve never met anyone who even knew what I meant when I say “Mesas” lol.
My grandma’s house is in Shungopavi(2nd) & my grandfather’s is in Kykotsmovi(3rd).
Were you able to witness any dances?


Ive been to a few, my moms Hopi so i get a pass for going lol


Some places very much feel alive, where the magick is thick in the air. For me the strongest experience I’ve had with that is in the coastal redwood forests of Oregon and northern California. Huge ancient trees dripping in moss and mist, fragrant ferns and damp earth all mingling in ways that are hard to describe. I could feel the energy all around, knew I was being watched by many spiritual eyes. When I was still, I could feel the forest breathing.

When you are used to a large city, it’s a huge switch and something you’ll feel to your core when you pay attention.

:hugs: Cool! mind sharing your clan with me? Maybe we’re related, haha.
You don’t have to tho, lol.

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Haha sure, my grandfather is Kykotsmovi and my grandmother is from a Mexican tride called Huichol

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Oh that’s interesting, I’ve never heard Kykotsmovi as a clan before.
I’m Kokyan clan :spider: :slight_smile:
my grandpa is Sun forehead clan, so I’m related to them through him.

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I’m only relaying what my family has told me, there’s a lot of infighting about who’s, who, qnd i stoped talking to them when my grandfather died and I’m probably giving really bad telephone type info :disappointed_relieved: i mainly was with my grandmother in mexico and other grandmother in puerto rico, the last time i was at a dance i was really young and i barely remember it lol

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I totally understand the infighting & relaying of information from different relatives. :smirk:
I wish I knew more of the tribes of Mexico!
I’ll have to ask around which clans live in Kykotsmovi & maybe that’ll help narrow it down for you. They actually would know by his name now that I think about it… :thinking:

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Haha thank you.
The tribes in mexico are really secluded and it took like three days to get there lol, they all spoke a really broken spanish so i couldn’t understand them, but my grandmother did, she was one of the few there that actually separated from them, she move to the us at 20 so she lucky. I love mexico and living there i plan on visiting again soon lol

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Your grandma sounds bad ass :smile:

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Haha thank you, but she is a really bad person, she came from poverty and will hurt anybody to survive, she sold my social security for money so ya, but my grandmother from Puerto Rico now she’s badass, for one she lived to 100 and through the great depression and she did magick, i love her a lot lol, she’s as tough as a coffins nail and twice that