Thinking of doing this. Comments?

I would like comments on whether it would work, or if I should do anything before/after it, or if the process/procedures could be improved. The cut down version presented will be done so that the people living with me would not grow too suspicious of my activity.

Before doing, I shall use online tarot to ask what would happen to me if I lay the curse, and then what would happen to the target.

To create the doll, I will fold a cloth into half and cut it into a shape of a stick figure guy, then I will I stuff it full of chilli (no hot peppers here), black pepper, and toilet paper (to give it heft) and have the chicken feet that EA seems to like in his death curse inside as well if it is available at the supermarket.

Then, I will staple the seams together (I have zero sewing skills and no kit), make it into a kneeling position, use cable ties (those semi-permanent ones that can only be released by cutting or by that release catch) to tie the hands and legs behind.

Then, I will staple the picture of the target to the head of the doll, behind the picture, will be the target’s name and date of birth inside an inverted pentagram. As an added step, I will name the target using red marker and the date of birth on the body of the doll.

Then, I name my knife the “Demon knife” (I have no idea about the weaponry of the demons, feel free to suggest the most powerful knife you think exists either in this world or in another dimension) and stab it with all my might and fury through the head, body and genital area of the doll.

After I have exhausted myself, I shall sever the head of the doll and then dump the mess into a red plastic bag and the bag into the trash (including the stack of newspapers that would be used to protect the surface from the blade) which would be picked up by the garbage collector and incinerated. I will keep on walking after dumping the trash, looking forward at all times.

I shall do the stabbing of the doll in a public toilet somewhere. Then, before leaving the area, I shall drop some coins for any spirits that may be present or following me.

I would also like to do some form of banishing after the act in another public toilet. So, one site is for cursing, another for banishment.

Some deviations:

  1. No Goofer dust - people living with me will get suspicious. There’s also the thing about credit card tracking.

  2. No burial - government’s a pain in the ass about such things, and I don’t wanna be caught and get on the news.

  3. Chicken feet is a 50-50. I normally eat out and have no idea if they sell such things in the supermarket nearby.

  4. incineration vs burial at a cemetery


One more thing, I am not too familiar with banishing stuff. Could anyone link/provide detailed steps?


Is there a reason you don’t wanna do a more by the book method

As a bonus, while you’re stapling the doll, you can picture the staples being little poison daggers that puncture their body

And I would suggest naming it hell blade, death knife or something to that effect, if you call it a demon knife your mind might get a bit distracted trying to figure out specifically which “demon” its calling forth.

  1. As for the credit card tracking, it depends… If someone is selling it on etsy, you could explain that you dont want any traces, have them re-upload it but under a different name, that way when it ships you dont have to worry about people “accidently” forgetting to mark it as a private package.

  2. If it really comes to this, be sneaky. Bring in flowers and stuff and pretend to just be visiting a loved one’s grave and bury it discretely near a corner or something… No one will bother you if you can feign grief well enough

  3. If they dont sell it at the super market you may want to try going directly to a butcher or even a farm

  4. I vote… both actually. Incinerate then bury the ashes at the cemetary

But with the cemetery… eh… I know the flowers were just for show but you might consider leaving some kind of offering for the dead anyway

Convenience, risk of getting caught, risk of exposing my activities to others.

[quote=“nue, post:3, topic:5419”]As a bonus, while you’re stapling the doll, you can picture the staples being little poison daggers that puncture their body

And I would suggest naming it hell blade, death knife or something to that effect, if you call it a demon knife your mind might get a bit distracted trying to figure out specifically which “demon” its calling forth.

  1. As for the credit card tracking, it depends… If someone is selling it on etsy, you could explain that you dont want any traces, have them re-upload it but under a different name, that way when it ships you dont have to worry about people “accidently” forgetting to mark it as a private package.

  2. If it really comes to this, be sneaky. Bring in flowers and stuff and pretend to just be visiting a loved one’s grave and bury it discretely near a corner or something… No one will bother you if you can feign grief well enough

  3. If they dont sell it at the super market you may want to try going directly to a butcher or even a farm

  4. I vote… both actually. Incinerate then bury the ashes at the cemetary

But with the cemetery… eh… I know the flowers were just for show but you might consider leaving some kind of offering for the dead anyway[/quote]

Thanks for the suggestion. Hell Blade it is.

  1. I will look into this.

  2. I will scout the terrain and determine the feasibility at a later date. Not really convenient with workload, and stuff going on at the moment.

  3. OK. I can look into this.

  4. Hmm… not possible. Either dispose by trash and let the garbage collector take it to the incinerator, or burial, or burn and then bury. Personally, i like the first because it’s more convenient.