"They damn what they don't understand" NSFW

I’d really like to hear your thoughts on this music video. It’s by Lil Nas X, a rapper. According to social media, it seems to be scaring folks into a satanic panic.
Personally, giving a lap dance to the devil is hilarious. Seriously. It’s a hoot.
Screenshot is from 2:26
Roughly translates to “they hate what they don’t understand”


Totally awesome, nice vid


The video is pretty great, I described it to my friend as “it’s what you see meditating on DMT to Lucifer’s enn while a ska beat plays in the background”


I watched a little bit of it and just shrugged. He’s an entertainer & is doing what entertainers do. He’s getting the people going & giving them something to talk about. While I’m not a fan of his music, he or his video don’t bother me in the least. I’ve read some of the comments on social media and other websites & shook my head and moved on. The fear-mongering amongst some of those commenters is cringeworthy.


This video explains how the incumbents view the revolutionaries.

The video has nothing to say,
just a bunch of nice imagery thrown together - at least tell a story and send a message if you spend so much money on a music video. That’s not creative IMO.

The song is good but you can see how the Music Industry lacks imaginative spirit now.
A lap dance ugh — promoting the failing stripper industry again. As if Cardi B wasn’t bad enough
Why didn’t they let the devil have a lap dance on him? - but more like a dark belly dance version or something different.

It’s just all the same and doesn’t pay the spirit world enough credit. Just my 5cents on it.

How can people get enticed by this?
Ok, they will attract some new stripper guys, but that’s it. Thought Cardi B did a good enough job, apparently not.

Maybe reality has become a parody of itself. We are up to the point where an original, a parody, and plagiarism is all indistinguishable from each other.


I actually liked it. I think it encourages embracing your true self despite what other may think of you. I also think it exposes how heavily biased America is towards Christianity and not willing to let people express who they really are. I guess it’s obvious that this music video is really for show, but I hope it inspires people to embrace themselves for who they are and not repress themselves simply because others don’t understand

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His video was just a jab at the Christians who taunted and damned him for being gay. It’s a troll video, but he also adds bits of his life into it where he hints at hooking up with a straight man.

The imagery is all part of his trolling, issue is it upset many religious folk when he did it simply because of that.

So while some believe this his him expressing his trauma through his music others believe he’s attacking all Christians.


He meant the video as a personal jab at Christians telling him he’s going to hell for being gay. The song is about hooking up in secret. He made a few tweets about it.

Also… @ ysy it’s based on Genesis. Nas was in eden, got tempted by the snake, was persecuted and kicked out, as he went to meet God he instead pole dances into hell to not only meet the devil but become him. Playing all the characters is symbolic of his own self persecution as well as accepting his sexuality while also taking the fact people his entire life said he’s going to hell for being gay, he’s making a statement of “not only will I go there but I’ll also rule there”

Then again they’re complaining about a lap dance promoting “the stripper industry” lmao


As a gay trans man who once lived in the Deep South where physical assault, even people threatening me at my own doorstep was very common, it resonates with me in personal solidarity. Song I think is okay, not his best, music video has nice imagery but i also think the CGI everywhere makes it look too fake and plastic, but that could have also been the point.


You have no idea how many girls enter the stripper industry because of such crap -
or Cardi B.
These people are frauds, in fact nothing inside the music industry is real anymore.
Today, they are usually rich kids who paid for their fame by using big PR and Marketing Companies in Hollywood like the Kardashians. Anyone can get a record deal if they put 1Million on the table to begin with.
They get a scripted persona, written music and then the industry steals and plagiarises ideas from real artists online. That’s a fact now
I know many people from this industry, especially in LA and what has happened during the last 15 years is appalling.
He might be gay and all, but he most probably has created none of this himself and is keeping up an act - while others construct everything else. And that is why it could be very possible some story writers have the order to feature the stripping industry in new videos (there were huge losses the last years I heard).
And many of these oligarchs have bought large numbers of strip clubs in the 90ies under false names because it has been extremely lucrative.

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How are you so sure? Many artists make their music from some event in their life, Cardi B might have a shitty persona but her stripper job kickstarted her way to fame and there’s nothing wrong with that let alone being a stripper not for a male and not for a female.

Non celebrities can claim it’s all fake until they’re blue in the face but doesn’t make it true.


Her stripper job never existed. It was fake.
Here is a girl who can explain this better. She might sound crazy to people who don’t know this is going on, but I have a friend who experienced similar stuff.

My friend was a musician and her entire artistry, music and persona has been plagiarised to an extend that was criminal. Even personal life stories (by people in the industry you have definitely heard of).
When she spoke out, sent her story to the press, hired a lawyer, they invented a fake PR story with an actress to cover it all up. She even lost her ability to travel to the US where she had most of her work. She thinks they have done this with magick, so she asked me for help. The whole situation was messy and more insane than it sounds.
Last year she developed a tumour but seems non-cancerous.

I have learned more about fake media from her than I could have ever done myself.

IMO, they steal ideas, then attack these people with Rituals to shut them up and make them crazy or ill.

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The music industry attacks people with rituals?

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I don’t know. They steal and plagiarise from real people, harass them and attack them with Rituals if they don’t remain silent (and allow the shitty oligarch families to plagiarise them).
So it seems…I make no claims.

I have no idea!!!

Assuming all of that is true. How do I feed their system code that would power up co-aligned egregores so I can extract money out? How do I acquire my own scripted persona?

Wrong. This video is a gay artist flipping the ‘gays are going to hell’ narrative and being as gay as he wants in hell, killing the devil at the end as a metaphor. He did it because he grew up contemplating suicide because of christians and the video is meant to help other people going through what he went through. Just because it doesn’t say anything to you doesn’t mean it’s not saying anything.

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I have no idea, this is all the way we experienced it.
The story might be more complex than that.
Additionally, I have no idea how one can benefit from it as these families seem to be literal energy vampires leeching off of other people.
If you look closely, every big idea and concept developed during the past 20 years (as with Apple and Facebook) has been stolen. And they try to normalise it so we keep allowing this to happen.

My friend says she wrote an entire 30 page concept on how to built a Superstar inside her industry and they completely corrupted it.
She also secured an investment of 300K which helped her to get into the press and pay for media presence/record an album with influential producers. They even offered her a film role if she would invest in a Hollywood Movie.
But then she was opposed with sinister methods that seemed to undermine her efforts (just as shutting her out of the US where the real shit goes on). Everyone knows, the rest of the world is a waste if you want to make it in this industry. And she had it all going for her.

She had a PR campaign set up with PMK BNC (you can google them) which didn’t happen because she couldn’t work in the States anymore.

So to say, those oligarch families are like leeches and now aim to control everything.
There are probably some Rothchild Kids dancing around inside the Music Industry today with stolen identities because they love to change their names and play the underdog shit.
Just google Taylor Swift and how her dad bought an entire record company to build her career.
And if their shitty kid is too much of a lame, they can scroll through Social Media and steal from real people and pretend they’re cool. LOL

Big Downside of Social media.

That kid is brave Lol.He is black gay and a celebrity.Sheesh.

I recommend he do some protection rituals and banishings

