Theta/Gamma Sync

Can somebody point me to, or instruct me in how to enter the Theta/Gamma Sync?

I have used the search function in attempt to solve this question, and I am finding lots about “Static Rain” but I haven’t been able to uncover exactly what this Static Rain is, how I can use it, or how to enter the Theta/Gamma sync.


I am incredibly frustrated as I have not been able to successfully enter trance, astral project, or have any type of astral perception AT ALL after 6 years of research and practice.

The frustration has become a NEED to be able to do this. I cannot even express in words how frustrated I am by this. It’s as if the universe is doing EVERYTHING it can to prevent me from ever being able to do this. I’ve tried every kind of astral projection excercise I’ve found, I’ve evoked Paimon (I think, as I couldn’t perceive him at all after 10 minutes of repeating incantations, so I just assumed he was there as is recommended) and requested his aid in increasing my focus, concentration, clairvoyant, and astral projection capabilities.

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It’s recommended you relax and focus the eyes on empty space.

Most people have good success with sitting down, relaxing, and focusing the eyes upward towards the ceiling where the wall meets it. Then pulling the gaze back somewhat and focusing a foot or so upon the air in between your eyes and the corner.

For me what worked was.

  1. Maintaining a deep, slow breathing rhythm.
  2. Silencing my thoughts.
  3. Focusing the gaze on the space between myself and an object.

After I did these three things I was successful.


Why would you evoke Paimon for aid in astral projection? He has nothing to do with that. His specialty is mind control, as well as teaching knowledge of the liberal arts and philosophy, according to the Goetia.

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In the Goetia it says “he can teach arts and sciences, and all other secret things” I took secret things to mean something such as astral projection

I’ll try Belial next as somebody has PM’d me that they had success with requesting Belial open his clair- channels - which makes sense to me, as he is the demon of self-governance

The “static rain” that is talked about is little dots or waves of light that blanket your vision when you enter the theta/gamma sync. Be aware, however, that you can be in the theta state and not see the static rain, especially if you are in deep theta. You do not have to see the static rain to have a successful evocation. It is just a phenomenon that tells you that you are in theta.


I guess you need a change of approach. Here’s what i’ve found to work exceedingly well: 1. qigong/chi kung …learn a form or two and practice 100 days straight then every now and then. Spring forest qigong or primordial qigong is very good. . 2.get Brainwave entrainment recordings ,(alpha and theta) listen to them as you meditate or as you fall asleep… This two things will not only help you get to the required states to evoke,feel,see,hear spirits but also awaken you higher big picture perception (enlightenment?)


sound repetition is powerfull…use you tube theta waves to get an idea of the state.or you can do it your self by repeating something with the same rhythm over and over…constant rhythmic repetition is the key…

you can also listen to your breath.the only minus here is that the breath can change it’s rhytmic pattern very quick and drop you out of the state.if you can breath deep with rhythm,keep the same rhythm and listen to your breath…i can’t because i’m a smoker…

one other way is to triger the state with a vision effect.this is the method i use and it works very well…


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i think you’re wanting to achieve it so bad youre not focusing on actually calming down and you dont know exactly what the signs are.
Id suggest you try the ceiling line tech, thats how i learned to enter TGS.


[quote=“Titan, post:9, topic:3538”]i think you’re wanting to achieve it so bad youre not focusing on actually calming down and you dont know exactly what the signs are.
Id suggest you try the ceiling line tech, thats how i learned to enter TGS.[/quote]

This is something I have had an “inspired thought” and have begun to consider.

What other signs might accompany the state other than “static rain”?

I’ve seen the static rain many times… Little floaty dots of light, yes? I’ve seen this COUNTLESS times, and is one of the reasons I’ve always thought I am “special” as none of my friends could see it, and in many magick themed books I’ve read (especially works by Dion Fortune) I’ve come to realize this phenomenon is a signal that the veil between our world and the astral is weakening. So when I learned the “static rain” is the same as the phenomenon I’ve been seeing my entire life, that the T/G state truly is borderline between the waking and astral state.

Makes perfect sense to me.

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I have noticed other visual distortions such as

  • objects appearing to move
  • objects appear closer or farther away
  • objects pop in and out of a ‘3d’ effect
  • lines or waves of light

A lessened ability to maintain coherent complex thought (they rely on beta waves). In my experience this can be mitigated somewhat by practice and experience in operating in these states.

Also extreme relaxation, as well as reduced proprioception and balance.


This whole theta gama synch thing is a block for most it seems here. No doubt it’s right on. You can go get a biofeedback machine to monitor all sorts of things, but it comes down to just relaxing your mind, body, and being able to hold a simple focus. Coffee and meditation are good combos.

May sound a lil nerdy, but im sure some people have heard of yu gi oh cards growing up, but back then they had cards with holograms on it. one of the holograms was just shiny, the other, when turnt, is what static rain looks like. very odd analogy i know, but im trying to get the point across. do you get my explanation? if not, ill do my best to explain better.


[quote=“Illustrious, post:1, topic:3538”]Can somebody point me to, or instruct me in how to enter the Theta/Gamma Sync?

I have used the search function in attempt to solve this question, and I am finding lots about “Static Rain” but I haven’t been able to uncover exactly what this Static Rain is, how I can use it, or how to enter the Theta/Gamma sync.[/quote]bro i have be using this technique and it very helpful,find a marker draw a dot about 1cm in a clean white paper large enough but not big as that,at least (a4 sheet) will do paste it on a wall about eye level the wall should be free of everything expect the paper on it.stand about 8 to 10 feet away from it concentrate on the dot imagine seeing the back of the dot whilst focusing on your inhale and exhale for about 10 have to do this three or two times a day or whenever you are beginning any ritual like,lbrp,lbrh,glbrp any thing that you going to do and it will inprove you concentration helping to enter trance with little effort whilst meditating,evocation ect.i have just start using this method it good for me try it will be of help.

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Hahaha yeah I get it, good analogy!

Sepaso, that sounds incredibly helpful, as one of the things I must conquer is the ability to concentrate and focus my thoughts. Due to ADHD my mind very quickly wanders when I am attempting to maintain concentration. It is incredibly annoying and can be a ritual-ruiner.

[quote=“Illustrious, post:1, topic:3538”]Can somebody point me to, or instruct me in how to enter the Theta/Gamma Sync?

I have used the search function in attempt to solve this question, and I am finding lots about “Static Rain” but I haven’t been able to uncover exactly what this Static Rain is, how I can use it, or how to enter the Theta/Gamma sync.[/quote]

the transformation of consciousness is the process of you going into magickal trance. it’s a variation of hypnotism.

when you go into the different levels of hypnotic trance you get different effects in your modalities. seeing these proofs of your trance is known as trance ratification.

in ea koetting’s mastering evocation course, static rain is medium trance ratification he calls theta/gamma sync. there are also 5 deep trance ratifications; erik calls the total of all 5 the rapture state.

i wrote a couple of tgs exercises here to get your theta/gamma sync and static rain. they are based on hypnotic focus and a breathing induction and it takes about 3 minutes to get your static rain if you stay still and breathe deeply. the key is not to rush for the state but wait until it happens.

i also wrote here about the different trance ratifications that prove you are in the rapture state.

if you have problems getting the theta/gamma sync or the rapture state, you will want to learn hypnotism to train your trances. learning autosuggestion makes your transformation of consciousness go much easier. to train your trances, i recommend you buy this book/ebook - it’ll teach you how to get a light hypnotic state in about 2 days, which is a LOT faster than the two WEEKS it took me to get my tgs going using autogenic training. it’s a real time-saver for you.


I bought the book and used the technique to install a keyword which activates deeper trance quickly; it worked.


edited what i said yesterday; one of the links was to the wrong page.

It would be great if EA could compile an audio, self hypnosis track specifically for TGS/Rapture, for listening to while opening sigils etc. There’s audio self hypnosis programs specifically for confidence, losing weight, quitting smoking, improved sleep etc. etc. but none that I can find that are specifically aimed at occult practice like evocation.

It would also be really good to have hypnosis pathworking audio, maybe for pathworking through major arcana, to be used in conjunction with tarot cards? Done right I am sure this would be a big commercial success.


that would be a great idea and i’m sure he could find and hire clinical hypnotherapists to write the scripts for him. pretty much any good hypnotherapist or ericksonian hypnotist could write the script and basically any hypnotist or voiceover broadcaster could record it.

dr.laura digiorgio sells hypnotic evocation cd’s here for $24.95 each. i’ve used the one for andromalius in the past and it worked - it took about a month of daily work but it did the job just like it promised - it not only returned stolen goods, but it punished the thief in a way they’ll never forget.

i have been thinking of doing something like this for gus mavroudis’ pathworking to the castle and keep of pozarius for his group’s workings. until i get my mastering evocation work done properly, that idea is going to remain on the shelf.

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