Theta/gamma state & how to slip into it:

Hey everyone I’m creating this thread for all those struggling to Enter theta/gamma states, so everyone, here’s the idea I’ve been in a theta/gamma state before and a deep one to be in fact, twas terrifying as sht, I’m not gonna lie, also no third eyes required for this, you’re welcome in advance, so to get into theta/gamma trance like states you need to know what sleep deprivation tis, tis basically truly simple, all you have to do tis stay up for three days and three nights and boom💥your walking around in a magical theta/gamma state like trance, but be warned because you’ll see loads of crazy supernatural sht on the other side, I mean it I’m being serious you’ll see spirits with your PHYSICAL, TANGIBLE EYES👀I’m being serious so be prepared because I’ve tried this before and I didn’t even know what was happening when I saw a fudging demon with my physical eyes and no not my third eye, my physical eyes, so yeah if you wanna slip outta theta gamma state then go to sleep in order to slip out of theta/gamma state,


I remember staying up for three nights and three days, things around me started to get weird, then I saw spirits taking the form of shadows, so yeah I guess I twas sleep deprived which meant I twas in a theta gamma state without myself knowing, the shadows sorta scared me and I told my cousin that I saw a demon, and then I asked her if maybe I should pray to the benevolent spirits to cover me in their celestial wings, she recommended my own advice and a cleansing too, but whenever I wanted to end the theta gamma state I went to sleep and slipped right outta of it.

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So in my own experience, sleep deprivations the way to go and slip into theta gamma state, and for astral travel while sleep deprived, I don’t know, I’d ask the spirits once you’re sleep deprived, I’m thinking about evoking a long lost incubus friend I banished to the infernal empire because he wouldn’t stop harming my friend Brady, when I told him the name of the gay incubus, as he twas writing✍️and doing his school work, he froze immediately, and dropped his pencil, as if I just said a name he knew before, he looked at me and said: Nicholas!!! Where did you hear that spirit from, I said I contacted it with my pendulum, and he said not to talk to him and then Brady told me he felt the incubus slap him, I then decided to mentally banish him back to the infernal empire, end of story. I’ll keep y’all updated, FYI everyone, please no more negative comments whenever replying to me that’s all I truly wish for, Multiverse Blessings.

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So everyone find some time to stay up for three nights and three days and keep me updated on whatever happens for you, but here’s the trick you have to stay focused and awake, just make sure you got your coffee☕️Maker ready and you’ll be good to go, I’m thinking🤔about going into theta/gamma state before thanksgiving break starts just to get a head start off, so I can slip back into theta/gamma state again like before, just stay up for 72 hours and you’ll be good to go, and once you’re successful I’d recommend calling forth psychic spirits so they can tell you you’re nearby future, whenever I get back in theta/gamma state I’m gonna get my wand and see if I can make it physically illuminate while in theta/gamma state, but I probably be the only one to see it and others who are in theta/gamma states, but it’s worth a try, for experience tis the best teacher👨‍🏫and I should know because I have experience with theta/gamma states before I just didn’t know I slipped into, so everyone keep me updated, I’d love to hear your true stories, Multiverse Blessings.