Theres a God Shaped Hole in All of Us

“Write of your experience, you will help many.”

Yahweh just told me this.

I had many Beings help me recently, ranging from Infernals to Yahweh to Archangels, to Gods of Egypt and Kali and Prophet Muhammad and others.

Yahweh had told me to play this song with him as an offering, and I did, as I did so, I realised all the Beings who have helped me gather together:

“You see? theres a God shaped hole in all of us.”

meaning they are all part of the same Essence, that is what I realised then.

I started crying of joy.


Interesting experience, and the song has a theme that came to my mind today. I’m curious, what has YHWH’s reaction (if any) been to you working with multiple deities alongside him?


Well as my post explained, they were working together no problem, but that was my experience, granted there are beings more powerful than Yahweh or Lucifer in my opinion


I see, from my interpretation of divination I’ve been doing today and yesterday it seems to me he would not have problems with someone who works with others than him and him at the same time, but his opinion on it may be quite different. I was wondering if you might have experienced something on that from him.


@Onion check this out, ask Michael about this if you can, I’m really interested in knowing what he says



Catchy song :grin:

Cool experience proud of you man :ok_hand:t3:


Looking back on it, I’m wondering if this was legit them, I remember Yahweh showing up and killing the parasites with his lightning, if it was him


About the song or Yahweh being okay?

This is awesome.

Just about this experience in general


“There’s a reason we say we are one.”

He isn’t commenting on the god-shaped “hole” much, except:

a) it’s either something that doesn’t exist, because there is no “hole”. the point of divinity is to be in control, so you can’t really bring in anything without getting something out first. think of trying to fit something in a packed suitcase. “as within, so without”. what you bring in already exists within you, it’s only a matter of manifesting it externally. not sure if he’s being cryptic or saying there is no hole, but if you’re bringing god into you to fill a hole, then maybe look inwards and find your own divinity, or work on confidence and self-esteem.

b) this is where he went a little silent, so it’s part of what I’ve heard- that vampires (the ones who are born as one) have a hole in their energy body, causing a source-to-sink affect for energy. but you have to be careful about the kind of energy that is entering.