
Let’s just say someone calls up a spirit. It is an imposter and this imposter asks for a pact. If the person made the pact would it do anything to the operator? Would an imposter even do this since they wouldn’t be able to do the thing they said they would.

Imposters are known for lying, they usually do it in hopes of being permitted in a space. So if lying about the pact will get you not to banish them they’ll do it.

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Ok thanks. I am asking for a friend.

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Depends imposters can improve too theyre not stagnant. More times than not an imposter (thoughtform) will do things that cause you to give attention to it so it feeds off it.

Whereas an entity imposter can develop just as anyone else can but they more likely are not in various positions as say the goetia demon so they have no sway in terms of infernal powers, or an imposter acting like a Deity they would not be able to do what the deity can/promised to do in a short time.

For example Aset or Freya can get something done in say a week (freya has for me) but an imposter needs you to feed them energy, convince others to work with them, etc so their “promises” are often lies and stalling.

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That’s why I use the universal circle. :muscle:t2:

Personally I don’t use circles I just have a mental shield from unwanted thoughtform imposters and scanning that helps me from imposters.

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I use to just call on Lord Yeesch. :slight_smile:
A good idea that I wish I could of done is channel symbols like the universal circle and concertante it through Lord Yeesch so when you are firing up an evocation Lord Yeesch is there to guard you. That’s similar to the universal circle.

Learn the spirit well enough to know the truth of the spirit you are dealing with, just like my communication with Bifrons. Even though I did a nasty binding on Lilith, she revealed her nature to me in ways other people often do not comprehend.

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Why does everybody here work with Lilith haha.

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Welcome back.

Such is the life of LHPers xD

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Yeesch was the first sigil I ever opened, he’s cool.

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He’s super cool :sunglasses: