The Will to do Harm (Rule 13)

Recently, in preparing to assume a more active hand in affecting the supratemporal dynamic of human destiny, I have been considering the possibility of compromising principles of morality under which I continue to conduct myself.

While examining some works from which I have often sought guidance, I again read the Irish Duelling Code of 1777. Exhaustive discussion regarding the parallel of issues inherent between the practices of duelling and spellcasting is beyond the bounds of this post. It did, however, afford me keener clarity into the responsibilities and prerogatives of thus exercising my intent.

In labouring upon the question of discerning that point in which commitment to action becomes service, rather than mere caprice, and the will necessarily enjoined therein, I drew considerable guidance from Rule 13; which states:

“No dumb-shooting, or firing in the air, admissible in any case. The challenger ought not to have challenged without receiving offence; and the challenged ought, if he gave offence, to have made an apology before he came on the ground: therefore, children’s play must be dishonorable on one side or the other, and is accordingly prohibited.”

This steeled my conscience that, upon making the decision to act, I must do so with full awareness that the full results thereof will be of my design and endeavour, and that, though opportunity may be afforded to rescind my purposes, I must embrace the probability of their utmost fruition.

As always, constructive commentary is most sincerely appreciated,

Thank You All,


You’re doing harm by writing so much and saying so little

And here I was thinking that forums were for expressing opinions & thoughts in order to strike up conversation… Hm… Or was it the big words that got you so pissy?

@E I honestly don’t see why anyone would do something as laborious as a full spell or curse without thinking it through… A small incantation, prayer, or other quick, hasty actions, perhaps… Then again I don’t really understand humans too well anyway.

Dueling Code of 1777… I could have sworn I’d come across that title before.
Not sure if it was Irish, though.

Are you drawing a parallel that a curse should be about far more than just blasting off some energy/frustration, and you really must expect to have blood on your hands, and a full array of consequences other than just deleting that person tidily from your world?

Grieving family of the target, shattered lives, Christmases and birthdays for years to come tainted with loss, hopes never fulfilled, regrets and the shocking horror of first accepting the bereavement - and then, realising it won’t ever go away, that they’ll never see the person they loved alive again, and the more mundane financial consequences to the family, etc?

In which case I agree and I think it’s an under-valued aspect of cursing, that the person isn’t just an extra in your movie - they’re someone’s son, daughter, lover, friend, etc.

Only if you feel you could (presuming freedom from legal consequences) look those grieving people in the eye afterwards and tell them that you’re responsible for that pain, and also tell them boldly - without exaggeration or appeals to be understood - the exact reason why you did it, should you proceed; in my opinion, anyway.

I’m making a point about certainty here, btw, and not about morality. To curse someone when you’re privately at war with the rational part of yourself that understands the effects would be very foolish.

“Only if you feel you could (presuming freedom from legal consequences) look those grieving people in the eye afterwards and tell them that you’re responsible for that pain, and also tell them boldly - without exaggeration or appeals to be understood - the exact reason why you did it, should you proceed; in my opinion, anyway.”

This is a most empowering perspective with which to approach spellcasting, Lady Eve; one that tempers assertion with accountability. Thank you so very much for sharing your wisdom on this matter.

“Dueling Code of 1777… I could have sworn I’d come across that title before.
Not sure if it was Irish, though.”

It may be published otherwise, Ani_Cat. I am only familiar with it as included in JL Wilson’s published code of 1838 (the preface of which being of immeasurable assistance in my decision to assume a more consequential role in the realm of metaphysical dynamics).

Justice. Its another totally subjective realm. I’ve been toying with this idea for months and years. Take family, for instance. The parents who are surrogates for the divine; what happens when, through sheer ignorance, fear, and negligence they allow their child to undergo a life-altering cruelly warping process? What kind of retrubition is appropriate? Death? If so, by whom and in what spirit? Perhaps a daughter in a rage curses the father with a wasting illness and observes his slow decline. Perhaps she bleeds his energy gradually and never allows him to heal while nurturing him with kind words. Alternatively, she could curse him with massive organ failure, sudden death, in a release of forgiveness; cut all cords and know that she is freed and he is free of her hate. She can grieve with her mother and siblings for a person who never existed save in her particular paradigm while her family members each grieve for the facet of the father they experienced. The loving strong provider. The kind and generous mentor. The cold cynic. The bitter unfulfilled perfectionist. The harsh absentminded critic. So many faces to so many people. And a certainty that the death will erase them from this incarnation and all the relationships cultivated will be severed. But, is this person even the one you want dead? Wasn’t it really the 20-year-old terrified naive son of an alcoholic who allowed the daughter to suffer? Someone wholly unready for fatherhood years ago, and yet its the current tired beaten father (and even grandfather) who must die. Then, it must be pondered further whether justice can even exist when space/time provide insurmountable distance. Years, hours, minutes; with each experience your victim has, the person is less and less and further from the one you desire dead. So if there is no justice for the one who requires and deserves it, then the death curse simply serves yet another initiation. Another avenue of slicing away an aspect of self to uncover or grow a new one. And I can’t imagine wanting someone I don’t know and love intimately dead. Suffering greatly by my standards of suffering, yes. Death, I’d reserve for those I cherish and understand best as it is the most anguishing and exhausting to contemplate.

“Do what thou wilt” - as long as you ‘man up’ to the responsibility. Best of luck E.

An excellent question. It’s certainly a mysterious area to examine.
However, there is a measuring line or “yardstick,”
which is applied by measuring one’s so-called “contrition.”
In other words,
when you perceive that the former ‘person’ yet lives on in the current configuration.

"In which case I agree and I think it’s an under-valued aspect of cursing, that the person isn’t just an extra in your movie - they’re someone’s son, daughter, lover, friend, etc.

Only if you feel you could (presuming freedom from legal consequences) look those grieving people in the eye afterwards and tell them that you’re responsible for that pain, and also tell them boldly - without exaggeration or appeals to be understood - the exact reason why you did it, should you proceed; in my opinion, anyway."

OK so i know its kinda old but ive only just joined. Inst there a 101 hex work never admit? let it fade away just as they will?

and how can you talk to a family that’s been effected from that family members actions? do they care for the trouble that yourself and your family has suffered that resulting in such action in the first place? such a thing is likely to result in a feud, no one is willing to sit down with people after knowing they are responsible for harming a family member, a loved family member i should add.

And why kill? personal choice, let them suffer that high life turns into a daily grind and they can wonder where it all went wrong. sudden terminal illness wont really teach them anything unless you got hounds waiting? but again its not really something so easily tracked, compared to asking another or overhearing did you hear what happen to x?

Do you consider morality when you swat a mosquito? Act with the same detachment, deal with it and move on without ever giving it another thought.