The Wandering fools readings

He is one of my favorite posters on this forum. TWF knows what he’s talking about and apparently just completed the hoodoo rootworkers correspondence course by luckymojo, so he brings a wide variety of all kinds of systems to the table.

I lurk around a bit.

My beard is where my intuition is derived and no more spirit boards for me, too much work for too little $$$

[quote="-TWF-, post:2, topic:6932"]I lurk around a bit.

My beard is where my intuition is derived and no more spirit boards for me, too much work for too little $$$[/quote]

Yes i understand, i wouldn’t have bought one anyways as my cheaper one hasn’t worked yet for my eyes to see. ( Most probably has opened some kind of portals to my flat thought )

Might buy some of your other handmade stuff thought, if i see it is for the best.

Better hop on this while the thread is recent:

I’ve been able to take advantage of a couple of TWF’s readings recently and they were full of the same accuracy that everyone else here has reported, as well as being extremely punctual! Great work from a great reader who knows his stuff, and accuracy confirmed once again!

Two thumbs up for TWF. I have used his services in the past, and he is rocksolid.

I have had a few readings from TWF in the past & found him pretty spot on. This morning I had a live skype reading & it was a real treat to actually watch him work. I can’t speak highly enough of his readings & suggest anyone wanting answers or a second opinion to look him up.