The Unholy Saint Jezebel, Patroness of Painted Women and so much more!

Numbers 10:35-36, “35 Then it came about when the ark set out that Moses said,
‘Rise up, O Lord!
And let Your enemies be scattered,
And let those who hate You flee before You.’
36 When it came to rest, he said,
‘Return, O Lord,
To the myriad thousands of Israel.’”

Was that an intentional imitation or an incidental one?

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It was intentional, i was inspired by it


The sigil I most use for evocations, along with the tarot cards the hanged man and the hermit (as explained above), or I use the death card as it represents the hebrew letter Nun which has the numerical value of 50.


Fantastic work! :smiley:

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Thank you so much, theres much more to come :blush::purple_heart:

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Yesterday after an invocation of Jezebel, during meditation I recieved a wonderful vision in which I was notified and realised that the mighty Queen of Israel Jezebel’s essense/soul was brought forth by Lilith and Eisheth Zenunim whom I myself identify as The Whore Of Babylon…for prayers to Eisheth Zenunim:

Today I found information in a book that also links/connects Jezebel to Babylon/Isheth, i thought I would share the table presented:


I was told Babylon meant civilization to the wondering Jewish tribes at the time of their capture.

I guess they did not like having high culture thrown on them. They did not like the stone houses or how the women were treated equals to the men. In the wild the men held more power for safety reasons, with advanced living situations it was not needed.



Currently reading Jezebel The Untold Story Of The Harlot Queen, brilliant book and the author claims that Jezebel’s original name was Itha-Baal which in her phoenician language translates to “Woman Of The Lord” and that the writes of the hebrew bible changed her name to Izevel in an attempt to further slander as that means “Woman Of Dung”


Just reading this thread. LMAO when I saw your post about Christian Spiritual Warfare. Unfortunately,it’s more than just targeting prophets. A woman has the “Jezebel” spirit if she speaks up, is"mouthy" or has ideas other than the preacher, pastor, church elders or whatever group of male “leaders” within the church.

Just check out the books on Amazon about the " Jezebel" spirit.
You should get a good chuckle out of that, but it is kind of scary. Let’s keep targeting women as unworthy beings in 2019. More like scared of female power.

For the above reason alone, is why I stand behind the concept of Jezebel being an Unholy Saint and worthy of veneration.

Thank you @TheBlondeBrujo for posting this illuminating information!


Thank you so much for your kind words and response :sparkling_heart: your reply gave me a smile :slight_smile:


Quote from a song:

“If ever the Devil was born without a pair of horns
It was you, Jezebel, it was you
If ever an angel fell
Jezebel, it was you, Jezebel, it was you!”.


This is a great thread

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Thank you, glad you have enjoyed it :slight_smile:


TheBlondBrujo- by any chance is there a picture of jezebel that looks the most to how she looked like when she was alive. Id like to start an altar but not sure what picture of her most resembles her, there are so many?

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This seems a good place to begin researching: Jezebel

But before you read it, please, follow the imp! :+1:


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A combination between these, but feel to place whatever images/artwork of Jezebel that inspire you or you admire upon the altar.


thank you blondebrujo.

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Such a lovely space dedicated to the great Queen.


Hes really amazing for doing this


What’s your favorite thing about Jezebel?