The ultimate Love spell jar - Duke Dantalion

Dear BALG,

I have been reading books and watching a lot of videos on love spells and the way they are done. So, I had an idea to do a spell of my own through the use of all the information i gathered. Oddly, it came to me after calling upon Duke Dantalion to help me bring my ex back. So here is what you need:

  • Jar [Source and energy holder]
  • Red candle 4 inch (dressed with cinnamon, the oils below) [Red candle to ignite love and passion] Don’t forget to engrave the name and date of birth of the target and ur name and date of birth on it.
  • 3 white candles 6 inch. [white candles are offering for the demon/s]
  • Spirit Sigil (in this case i would use Dantalion, but if u want to work with Sallos then go ahead and also u can use more than one: Sallos, Dantalion, and Stiri)
  • Picture of the target [obvious]
  • Petition [obvious]
  • Red string 4-5 inches [To bind them]
  • Honey [to sweeten your target]
  • Syrup [Same ^^]
  • Small 2 magnets
  • Cinnamon [some say it attracts and some say it softens= its really helpful]
  • Lavender flower or oil
  • Love me oil
  • Come to me oil
  • Stay with me oil
  • Follow me boy oil
  • Attraction oil
  • Reconciliation oil
  • Mint oil - or actually Mint. [it good to heal the pain and wounds]
    ---- [ every oil describes itself] ----

Note: you have to focus ur intention on each item u are using and declare what they are for before starting or while using each item.
Okay now this is how to do it:

You will place the jar and the 3 white candles on a plate in a triangle positioning on your alter. then, grab your jar and place it in the middle of the plate. Start by putting syrup on the face of your love and start folding the picture of you and ur lover (face to face) and put a magnet on each side to make it stick.

Take your petition and place the picture in it and wrap it with the string and knot it 7 times (while doing so you wanna say, i am not ting the string, i am binding you [target name] to my will… and say your desire. . and fold the petition 3 times towards you. Note if you will be working with Dantalion i suggested you do it seven time. 3 towards you then rotate 90 degrees fold again 3 times then rotate 90 degrees again and fold once. now place it in the jar.

Put the items mentioned above in the jar while stating and declaring what each item is for. once you are done… you will close the jar and place the red candle on top of the jar. Light the red candle and start mediating on the spirit/s sigil. in this case i would say Dantalion preferably. and when you feel their presences speak your request and ask that he helps you manifest your desire and power this spell/petition. Now, give your offerings [In dantalion case: Red wine, Blood, dragons blood incense, chocolate].

Note: I was planning on doing this myself, and actually it came to me after i meditated on Dantalions sigil while chanting his enn and then i spoke my mind on getting him to help me get my Ex back. However, the next day I was self reflecting and i believe I have wasted a lot of energy on this (Brick) and have humiliated myself several times. Which got me thinking, do i really want them back anymore? why do i wanna throw myself on someone who haven’t really appreciated or valued me. In fact, how the fuck was i expecting him to value and appreciate me when i didn’t do that for myself first. So, I am really grateful for this break because it showed me and taught a great lesson in life and it helped me grow and have a different way of pursuing and preserving the world.

I am thankful to Duke Dantalion because after calling upon him i saw and understood what i was doing to myself and he showed me that clearly. As much as it hurts to accept what my actions made me become and lose and where i got myself to be in such a low energy/respect. Accepting that has freed me from being such a weak, and reliant person. It the beginning and first step in gaining my strength back. So, tell me your thoughts about the spell and if u try it please come back and share ur results.

And to be fair and respectful to all the other spirits i asked for help: Thank you Lilith, Thank you Amon, Thank you Maria Padhlia, Thank you Saint Helena, Thank you Sallos, Thank you Astatre, Thank you King Beleth,Thank you King Paimon ,Thank you Lucifer.
And to all spirits that worked and/or showed me the way to rise again that are unknown to me.

  • Hail Duke Dantalion.
  • Hail Lucifer.

@C.Kendall @Lady_Eva @LuciusOfficial @DarkestKnight @Aprentiz @Healing_Heart


Is that the brand names of the oils or just what magicians call them? Haven’t used oils before


Well these oil are a bunch of mixtures together set specifically for doing its effect (so its named by the effect). There is a lot of witch craft sites that sells them, also some might be found in




@Becca i think i saw that u do tarot readings? if yes, are u willing to do one for me?


Wow, that spell seams like overkill, but seriously I’m going to give it a shot. Also, yes, becca is an excellent tarot reader, gave me the reading I needed.


PM me and thank you @Healing_Heart!


Thanks, done.

thanks for your vouch. Please don’t forget to let me know ur results.

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I may be a while, still doing the petition spells, but I will do

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