The Transform Your Life in 12 Months Servitor Project

Just to be clear because I don’t want anyone to feel left out- if you want to pm me that’s fine, but I’ll still have to tag you over there or send the direct link.

I know that I sometimes make sarcastic marks in response to people who I Feel will understand I’m just trying to be a comedian and I like things just to show support when I see a good post or well said thought so I don’t want to assume either of these actions mean someone was to be exposed to these servitors.

So, If I have thus far excluded it, it’s because I assume you either just got my humor and gave me a good laugh or your supportive of the idea :slight_smile: Thanks for that btw :slight_smile:


Im curious, but im not sure how and if they would get along with my associates :thinking:


My work is designed to not interfere with anything else you use, relationships you wish you to keep or anything that is wanted or good in for you or in your life.

That doesn’t mean they won’t tell you a person or spirit sucks balls and you should cut them loose, but they will respect you, your space, wishes and desired associates and relationships no matter what they feel is best for you.

You may get a I told you so- I do frequently from one whom I work closer with as I often reject a presented theory or idea and favor one I came up with… to find it was indeed a bit more trouble just as was suggested…

I just usually don’t think it makes logical or scientific sense or some like and usually find out I am mistaken.

So no this is not an issue, but I’d you’d like I’ll @ you and you can read their descriptions and decide for yourself?

I put a spoiler on their images so that you definitely get to choose- simply because continued exposure will cause their energies to essentially seep into the background of your life.

You would only notice positive affects, but some people really want to choose and know when they are being exposed to something like that, and since these guys are designed for much deeper work than say Luna who for most people is just protection on the spot.

So some people may want to intentionally pick and choose and allow themselves to be exposed to one energy quality more than another.

So I think I’ve minimized all your major risks and you can probably intuit from there.


Hey! Can I join?


Im interested. Sounds fun please let me join


I would love to join!

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I would like to join too, :blush:


Wow this is really cool! I only read the tile so far but this is a huge project! I am excited to see what happens over the next year!


Count me in, might be a good piece in my toolbox for the year to come.

Upward and onward! :muscle:

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Im very interested 100%

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I am interested in this. It looks like an awesome opportunity. Count me in :slight_smile:


I think I got everyone, but if I missed anyone please let me know, I’m still technically sleepin lol!

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I’m up for it!!!


I haven’t got access yet as far as I can tell. If I could that would be most excellent


Okay I know we got our favorite panda now did I miss anyone else?


Yes, Me.
Let me in, please.

Thank you


I’d like to join in too!


Count me in- sounds good :ok_hand:


Hey Keteriya this sounds great!
I would love to see what can happen, I am in :slightly_smiling_face:


Alright! Is there anyone else here that I missed?

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