The soul

The soul is known as the astral body.

It is composed of the spirit and akashic body as well as the elements of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth which makes up all the sides within the astral body.

You are, more or less, unconscious within this body. It allows you to be connected with the astral while being within the physical.

It is the second layer of body and once you die, all the elements but akasha will go back into the sea of elements unless you are able to perfect the elements within your body.

Iā€™ve heard of advanced magi being able to enter the astral with their physical body. Nothing is impossible.

This is the body that will have all your memories and such stored once you die. It is what binds you to your physical life.

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[quote=ā€œOmnipresent, post:1, topic:3769ā€]The soul is known as the astral body.

It is composed of the spirit and akashic body as well as the elements of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth which makes up all the sides within the astral body.

You are, more or less, unconscious within this body. It allows you to be connected with the astral while being within the physical.

It is the second layer of body and once you die, all the elements but akasha will go back into the sea of elements unless you are able to perfect the elements within your body.

Iā€™ve heard of advanced magi being able to enter the astral with their physical body. Nothing is impossible.

This is the body that will have all your memories and such stored once you die. It is what binds you to your physical life.[/quote]

Soul transformation

Changed on 10/31/2009 Soul transformations, it is normally dark but not always and when a persons soul is transformed into something else or when two souls are fused into one. Sometimes by thought, as to how the soul will look like with imagination. And also, its by thought and idea acted out to do the purpose. Sometimes letting the subconscious to do the deed. Again, soul transformations are really pretty dark, but it depends on the type of transformation. So there are various levels of soul transformations. The belief type transformation and the dark type transformation. The belief type transformation isnā€™t technically a soul transformation, though. Because the soul isnā€™t changed exactly, as the belief type transforms the souls energies. So, the belief type transformation is level one and the dark type transform is level two. As the dark type transformation physically changes the soul. Normally, the soul can be in the shape of the body when its seeable by seerā€™s sight or a ghostly sphere otherwise. But the method here for the level 1 belief type, is to instruct the subconscious to achieve the deed of a different shape or to being merged by imagination of it, while you draw the energy to accomplish the act and thinking or saying it has happened, while feeling the effect or merging something together (putting something together). As in, seeing the soul reshape itself and form into the desired transformation by the thought and imagination of the idea and the subconscious does it, using the energy that was summoned. Then, there is the soul shape that embues different attributes. As in, the body shape can be altered by the key altering shape the souls in. Or it gives you abilities, as it is the shape of the soul and is the key to what abilities ya have at the moment. If you added a soul with merging, then you also gain the others abilities. Soul transformation in level 2 can usually occur by dark magic rituals, and energy manipulation. and not always by believing. As there is this dark soul transformation, which is forced upon people unless they agree with it. An animal or other soul can be fused with yours by dark magic. This is done by completely weakening you and fully wearing down the chakras. Then fusing the soul to your soul, with fucked up or dark rituals and energy. So soul transformation also causes physical changes, eventually. But, again they happen slowly. For the person, they know the shape of the soul by how they act. If they form their soul into that of an animal, they impart the abilities of it to themselves. So you could suddenly find yourself seeing with cats eyes if your soul was in the form of a cat, eventually becoming allot like them. However, it sometimes wonā€™t give you the thinking processes that are like the animal, but it will combine the intuitive action that is associated with the animal. Sometimes it will. Essentially, you ā€˜borrowā€™ the ability of the shape. It would be hard for level 1, as though, when you think its hard then it is hard and to think it easy then it becomes easier. It just needs the right amount of power summoned for the purpose, as for level 1 & 2 transformation. This effect may take practice

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Hey Maxout, are you quoting from your diary or something in all these walls of text you have been posting for the last few days? If you are just copy and pasting from the Internet somewhere could you possibly post a link to the source?

Also, I really want to read your posts but the walls of text man! Please, PLEASE use paragraphs, it makes the posts so much easier to read, and I assume you are posting these with the desire for people to read them, so again please break them up into paragraphs.

Thanks in Advance

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If you link your souls/energetic body with another advantually both will be changed as physical appearance and personality. I experimented that too. It is more or less a temporary and a very interesting effect. Depends on the length of time you are influenced by the other energy, your features might change a little bit, personality changes, you get more or less traits of the other person, you start to feel likes and dislikes, cravings the other person has etc etc. There fore you might want to be careful and make sure the energy you want to be influenced by is the right one for youā€¦

[quote=ā€œOmnipresent, post:1, topic:3769ā€]The soul is known as the astral body.

It is composed of the spirit and akashic body as well as the elements of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth which makes up all the sides within the astral body.

You are, more or less, unconscious within this body. It allows you to be connected with the astral while being within the physical.

It is the second layer of body and once you die, all the elements but akasha will go back into the sea of elements unless you are able to perfect the elements within your body.

Iā€™ve heard of advanced magi being able to enter the astral with their physical body. Nothing is impossible.

This is the body that will have all your memories and such stored once you die. It is what binds you to your physical life.[/quote]