The Solomon Talisman

In my place, Talisman magic is quite common among the witchcraft practitioners to achieve their goals. The type of Talisman used is Arabic Talisman or also known as ‘‘tilsum’’, constructed from arabic alphabets and numbers, and sometimes weird symbols(which believed to be the words of language spoken by the spirits) were added. Creating one is pretty difficult because there are so many rules need to be applied while making it.

What I would love to share for today is a collection of a very old Talisman which has existed during the time of King Solomon. You can use them if you like, either as references or for other purposes.


Description : You may write this talisman on a white paper, fold it and and carry it with you wherever you go. People will get attracted to you(in good ways). Also they will be obedient to you and follow what you told them to do. This talisman also protect you from evil spirits.

Description : This Great talisman according to tradition has been around since the time of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. It is said that whoever carries it has a thousand angels as companions. Carry the talisman for protection and luck. It also heals ailments. One should be alone while constructing this talisman. It is traditionally drawn with a mixture of oils consisting of Misik, Za’faron, Ambergris, and Rose water upon virgin parchment or goat skin. The construction is to be done on a Thursday night after meditation.


Description : This Solomonic talisman has various virtues. Inscribe it upon a silver-colored ring at 6 in the morning on a Friday after a meditation or fasting, and you will find others being affectionate to you and sympathetic to your cause. If you inscribe it upon a piece of virgin parchment 35x and then hang it above the doorway of your store, you will find the number of your customers increasing. If you write it down on a piece of parchment with Zakfaron oil and then hang it around the neck of a rooster and let it go, where the fowl scratches or pecks on the ground and then crows, there you will find treasure buried beneath the ground. The talisman also protects one against lethal weapons and psychic attack.


Description : Simply print or draw the talisman(shown above) with black ink on a white paper or on a piece of white cloth, then folded it nicely. Carry this and you will see your life’s circumstances improving as well as getting unexpected luck.

Note : I already asked the original authors and they say you can print out the talisman, although it would be better if you choose to write them. You may meditate once a week over the talisman to make it more powerful.

Credits goes to people whom willing to share this precious Talisman :
Wong Alus, Sekarkahuripan, Abah Rahman.


Is it okay if I fold the paper for any of them?

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Yes, it is okay to do that. I would recommended to keep the talisman in pendant so that it won’t get damaged.

I don’t have a pendant. Can I use a ziplock bag that I can hold on?

Yes, as long it can protect the talisman.

I made two of the talismans on white paper. Just to be clear, we do not have to use the traditional method. Just write it out and meditate on it?

According to the rules related to this type of talisman, you just need to meditate(as long as you want) or you can choose fasting (don’t eat, don’t drink and no sex for at least 6 hours before writing it), also take shower so that you are in clean and good condition. Best to write it when you are alone. It says that you may add few drops of white musk oil or any fragrance oil to the talisman. After you done, Meditate upon the talisman once a week. Hope I make it clear.


Thank you for these, have you tried them out yourself?

I use the last one and it really bring me some luck. I am satisfied with one charm so I don’t test them all, but I heard positive feedbacks from the other people whom had used em from somewhere else.


Are there any rules for writing the talisman? For example should there be a particular order for the letters/symbols etc? Why I ask is that in Hindu Yantra writing (which is very similar) you have to write and draw in a particular order, use special inks in addition to fasting etc.

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The technique and method used to make this type of talisman is influenced by arabic occultism. From what I learned, if a person wish to create a new arabic talisman, then he or she have to follow the rules just like you said : Draw it from certain angle, fasting, use special ink, etc but with an addition, he or she has knowledge about arabic alphabets, numbers and symbols.

For example, if a wicca wish to create a curse talisman, then he@she should select certain arabic words, symbols or numbers and combine them so that the talisman will yield a -ve energy to bring desirable harm to their victim. If it a love talisman, then it should have both -ve and +ve energy to produce something like Ying and Yang representing male and female.

However, take notes those rules are mostly applied when you want to create one, so when you share your finished talisman to the public, the rules no longer that strict. I had ask an expert regarding this matter, he said people who want to copy, print or rewrite this talisman just need to follow the basic rules :

  1. Physical and spiritual Cleansing(Take shower, make sure you are clean. Fasting or meditation for spiritual cleansing prior writing it.)

  2. Adding few drops of oil (most preferrable saffron, musk or rose oil) to the talisman or mix it into the ink you used. However, you can substitute it with other fragnance oil if none of them available.

  3. If you wish to print it instead, you may meditate over the talisman, at least once a week. Try to manisfest your desires and outcome you wanted through the talisman. However, I prefer people to write it instead.

  4. Keep in pendant or any object to protect it.

I hope I make it clear for you and others.


It did. Many thanks

Can this help if one is seeking to win a lottery ticket?

I love it, but any chance you could post hi-res pics? As is, I can’t copy all the nuance in the lettering.

Thank you.

Thanks for sharing that is helpful.

As far as I know , the timing is also important when casting these talismans , by timing I mean place of planets ( chronos xp or google sky may be useful for that instance )

Interesting that somehow planetary magick probably through astrology or proximity to Greeks or/and Jews ( and India too ) have strong influence in Arabick magick too. Though in arabick magic I see no Gods or any elementals but mostly Djinns and Angels for governing planets.

I will try to provide some more data related to that matter but basically depending on aim it is good to follow some basics of planetary magic like days and hours ( Saturn and mars days and hours especially for banishing)

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Thanks for mentioning that. Regarding the matter, I had look at different sources but most of the time, the timing for making the Arabic talisman or tilsum had not been precisely mentioned or widely discussed. Yes few would suggest to write it according to planetary hour or days at certain hour but others don’t.

English is not my native language so I will do my best to explain. The main key to guarentee the success is how well the energy was yield betwen you and the talisman when you writing it, hence the reason why the person required to fast or meditate, cleaning themselves, make sure they are in good conditon (both physical and mental) before writing so that the person could focus and the energy can be yield without any interruption.

You are right about Djinn and Angels influence in Arabic magick. In fact, there is a type of powerful Angel-Djinn race ( known as Khodum), which is believed to guard every Arabic alphabets and numbers : this has become one of the reasons why these talismans were not constructed using modern alphabets or numbers.

For additional information : This talisman magick is quite old and was practiced since the era of Solomon but as time passed, most noticable after Islam came to Arabs, the creation of the talisman has been greatly influenced with the addition of the elements from the quran book. For example, in quran there is a verse known as “Surah Jinn”, where the magican will use some of the words and numbers from the verse to construct a powerful talisman that will make a person feared by all Djinn races and they will obey him, it is something that will either as simple as this one:

Or it could be a complex ones like below which is used as lucky charm to win every battle and fights against enemies :

The only rules is never bring this to dirty places like pub, WC or bathroom because the Arabs belief the words of quran is holy and bringing it to such place is a sign of disrespect and would make the power wear off. Also white musk oil should be used because it will attracts the Khodum to empower the talisman.


I only heard feedback about a man who earned lots of money with the last talisman (he just printed it and put it inside a wallet.) Since it is a lucky talisman for many purposes, there should be no doubts if it can bring luck in other things like lottery.


Can’t promise about the high resolution pic but I will try provide direct link to the picture some time soon after I am done with my works.

I checked and that timing is constellation (falak) and it’ s said that it’s increases the power.

Indeed as far as I knew, Quran forbids any kind of magic though still some of its verses are still part of magic.

Anyway whether the names are different the magic squares mentality basically very much the same, that for me is interesting. ( sure it means consistency somehow)

S Ben Qayin - it may be interesting for you - has a book about Djinns. Anyway they are the distinct part of Arabian magick, or maybe same entities with different names.

Thanks, it’s good to share the kowledge.

Yes, I know very well Islam did forbids any kind of witchcraft practices but surprisingly, the use of quranic verses as well as prayers is quite common not only in Arabic magic, but also in Javanese magick. I have know many muslims who practicing magic, although the reason why they did that is unclear.
Also thanks for the recommendation. I will look into it.