The Shadow (Update) lead?

Unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to do one myself… family drama. Got to love it. :roll_eyes:

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This is the part that got me thinking it might be a possibility.

I would take a moment to do a divination and then call to her.

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That’s the game plan.

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Have you personally experienced any signs, beyond the thread?
There’s a large following of hers on YouTube. Her following is massive. I’ll link some videos. If you’ve seen crows and the usual stuff, it could be her. I’m trying to not give a definitive yes or no because I can’t really speak for her. It’s not my place or business.

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Crows are alway around. A friend always seem to have a larg mob of them fly over their house just before my parteners and I arive. Bolth the raven and the crow are in my group of totems. I also have a fondness for them myself. I don’t see why others don’t like them so much.

Besides the shadow almost every house I have lived in has been haunted.

I look forwoard to seeing you links.

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Morrigan and Celtic Witchery Playlist:

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Thank you very much! :grin:

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That’s a butt load of experience and knowledge also, there’s a book by Stephanie Woodfield about Morrigan I suggest getting if you feel the call, etc.

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