The Satanic Pentagram & Other Symbols Explained

The Point Down Pentagram symbolizes energy entering our crown chakra from above. The Satanic Lightning Bolt symbolizes Satan as our True Creator God. The lightning bolt is the life force- the bioelectricity. All point down symbols in Satanism represent energy from above descending and giving life to, and empowering the human soul. The Star also symbolizes the Planet Venus and Venus is known as the “Morning Star” - Venus is the sacred planet of Satan


The symbols on the Bottom are of Astaroth. Both were derived from the Egyptian Ankh.

The Egyptian Ankh represents the key to the soul and the heart chakra. The glyph for the planet Venus was derived from the ankh. Both the planet Venus and the heart chakra are of Astaroth. The Ankh is also the key to the underworld - a sacred Egyptian symbol


The “Devil’s Pitchfork” is actually a very ancient symbol predating Christianity by thousands of years. This symbol originated in the Far East [where Christianity and its Jewish root stole from copiously; hideously perverting and corrupting the massive theft beyond recogntion, in order to destroy spiritual knowledge and keep spiritual power in the hands of the “Chosen” few].

It is known as the “TRISHUL” and symbolizes piercing through the three knots in the base, the heart and 6th chakras, also known as “granthis” in Sanskrit. For the serpent to ascend, all three must be open. The Trishul symbolizes the serpentine energy piercing through the three granthis.


The PYRAMID is symbolic of the shape of the human chakra. The missing capstone represents the unfinished work and the ALL-SEEING EYE represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as “SAMADI” or “SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS.” The photo at left was taken from the US One Dollar Bill. The United States, government and all, was founded upon Masonic prinicples and is not Christian by any stretch of the imagination. Original Freemasonry was of Satan. The Pyramids were built to launch certain souls to certain constellations. There are HUGE chakras within the pyramid and a pyramid has the same chakras in the same order our souls do. This was to achieve perfectness and ultimate godhood!


The inverted cross is a very ancient symbol, YES, predating Christianity and its Jewish root by thousands of years. Its true meaning symbolizes the correct way of aligning the chakras. The all-important solar [666] chakra is aligned point down, and gives the soul its power.


THE SERPENT: The most sacred symbol in Satanism. The serpent represents the kundalini force at the base of the spine. When the serpent is activated through power meditation and specific exercises, it ascends through the seven chakras, bringing intense awareness, enlightenment, psychic powers and abilities, and all-knowing. The hooded cobra, seen in many ancient carvings and paintings in Egypt, symbolizes the resulting expanded consciousness of raising the serpent.

This is the TRUE foundation of Satanism- raising the serpent. Those who are successful in raising the serpentine energy are on a much higher spiritual level and can no longer be deceived by Christianity and its related programs.