This thread is for those who signed up for the Rite of Lilith The Black & Bloody Waters ritual. I encourage all those who signed up for the ritual to share their experiences here. This was a group ritual performed by Conner and Aserial Krabat.
So, what happened?
On the day of the ritual, I was excited. It is the first instance that I purchased a ritual. I had finished up some college work, and was a few minutes into a tv show. I felt myself slipping into a daydream-like sort of state. I felt far from myself, while being very close to myself at the same time. I had a feeling that the ritual was beginning, and I did not dismiss that feeling as just coincidence. I heard Conner’s voice saying “lie down”. It sounds crazy - I know. I walked to my bed, and laid down supine. I drifted to an in-between awake and sleeping state. I then felt stuff being done. As of now, I am working to process this portion.
After 30-45 minutes, I either heard or felt Conner telling me to “get up”. My intuition told me to use a red candle, and a lighter. I sat in a chair, using a music stand to place the red candle upon it. I also pulled up the custom sigil. The rest of this felt spontaneous, like my mind was set to the side. I lit the red candle and began repeating the names. After a few repetitions, it seemed like they (Lilith and the three sisters) wanted a specific ordering of the names. “Lilith, Naamah, Agrat Bat Malhat, Eiseth Zenunium”. I repeated this for a while, and some weird stuff began.
My hands began to move, like I was not controlling them. I thought, “cool” and decided to dive into this unique experience. At first my hands felt like they were forming murdas. As this continued, my hands spontaneously began to act as if they were holding tools. I distinctly remember my hands acting as if there was a sort of wrench, or a surgical tool that pries ribs open. I felt my hands doing actions that I didn’t understand, or need to understand. After a while, I felt everything settle down and I closed out by repeating each name and thanking them. I also spent some time talking with the four of them. As of now, I’ve bought Lilith, Naamah, Agrat Bat Malhat, and Eiseth Zenunium gifts - as a sort of appreciation. I clearly stated this was not submission to them, but a genuine sort of respect. I found it interesting that the feminine is lacking in the gatekeeper pathworkings.
Anyways, this is my experience so far. I have an uncanny feeling the changes are just starting. As of now, I have not had the instructions for what the user is to do after the ritual. So it’s very interesting that this has happened spontaneously. Maybe the best magick is spontaneous. Thanks for reading all this!