[quote=“Zoe, post:6, topic:191”]A very interesting argument, Sultitan-Itan, and obviously well thought out…Hmm
My own position is somewhat different:
I’m looking at the entire piece as a whole, general idea. Do I agree with each & every principle or value he puts forth? NO! My mind is my own! But, having said that, I also say I really like it. Let me back up a bit …
Timothy is an Instigator - a Catalyst - and a rather brilliant one. Using his outrageous extremes in such a bold, “in your face” way forces the reader to do one of two things:
(1) Curl up in the fetal position on the floor from the blast, or -
(2) really, Really, REALLY THINK! Examine what you believe, assume and/or accept as true … and WHY.
This body of Work does that in spades. And THATS what I like about it.
Timothy has provoked me to deep self examination… Z [/quote]
I’ve not yet curled up in the fetal position, and his post did make me start to think.
I have to agree on several points of his. The most important being liberty, the liberty to be able to think for yourself, take care of yourself in a healthy way, which ultimately helps others in a time of need, and that time might be now.
I am not a hateful person at nature either, but if someone needs help I am willing to help in any way that I can that does not reduce my power or ability to continue bettering my life. Not to mention, if someone is out to hurt me or those that I love, and it cannot be resolved in a peaceful manner, then … well, it then boiks down to fire for fire, doesnt it? After all, if someone is so bent on harming others for pleasure, then I view that as evil, and I have seen evil from several groups in society on our planet. Some of those that are hurting others deem themselves as good.
I must say, I would like to invoke both sides and not become a coffee talk group, but get to know each side, and find the answers that I am interested in, or that may be the way to get at what I or others need.
I dont know what to say other than it influences me to rethink my life and society as a whole and compare it to what I see as necessary in my life while removing labels of good and evil, and perhaps redefining those labels.
I dont know that complete anarchy and battles to the death are the solution I want to see, as thats kind of whats happening to the world today. If you want a better world in the way you see it, if I want or need to, then we have to take action it would seem to me.
I really need to rethink and get my eBook tomorrow (not able to do today).
Thanks Timothy and others who also responded, many of you have made great points, thanks again Timothy, a much needed demand to rethink myself and the world I see vs what I want it to be. Even if that means to provide people the liberty to exercise the life they have in the manner they want, while I produce the unicorn assembley line and fairy dust vitamin water. After all, if that is what I view as needed, it would seem to me that both are viable money makers as well.
Just kidding I really enjoyed the post Timothy, and it does require me to rethink and act as well.
James Del Fuego