The price of civilized society

Agreed. The rat knows not the purpose for why he carries out his operations


They probably also get little choice: if they don’t complete the maze, no food, and no rat has a concept that someone will come along and help with that, because this can’t possibly be happening.

It’s my belief based on observation of people that the lower down Maslow’s hierarchy we go, the more the necessities of survival make us ratlike, and although people are capable of great acts of heroism when their lives are challenged in a disaster, that’s usually as well-fed people with high baseline well-being in a single acute situation, not when half-starved, bereaved and weakened by senseless illnesses or injuries, and struggling to cope with chronic problems and no rational hope of improvement.

Civilsation to me is precious, because it can be so easily destroyed, and the people it makes us when destroyed are not going to automatically be the resilient hardy types who will create something somehow better.

“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” The same is true of the society we live in, the culture we create, all these things, they tell us who we are, what we can be, do, and have, and if they becoime poisoned we’re affected along with them.


There is an Awakening happening out there.


Just what is persribed to me, but am slowly weening myself off tgem in a responsible way.

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If you are refering to the conformity of modern civilization, yes I would have to agree. But I believe that’s why there are people like us out in the world.

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I stopped taking the pills.


The outrage! Madame, I never take drugs, I buy them with my own money like a respectable individual, lol.

But in all seriousness, I have seen little to suggest our species as a whole is becoming civilized at all. We just make more people along with more advanced tech and think we are civilized because that tech reduces suffering in some areas of the world. Agriculture is all well and good when there is the possibility of feeding all the people in the region. Otherwise it is only a great advancement to those who benefit from it, and there are plenty of starving folks in the world. Same thing with medicine, water purification, mod cons, etc.

I honestly think if our tech was taken away suddenly, say in an E.L.E. disaster or nuclear war we would be thrown right back into the dark ages. So really, have we advanced or have we just made way cooler innovations to mask the fact that we are no more developed as a civilization than cave men (and in some ways arguably less)? It seems like we just repeat history, but with better tech, and call it advancement.

Consider that much of our ability to delve into spiritual mysteries is predicated on the luxuries of modern medicine and the fact that we don’t have to toil in the dirt for 14 hours a day to subsistence farm.

No, and that is one of the most telling examples of why we are hardly civilized at all; we still have not figured out how to leave each other alone.


I don’t think that it is civilization really that we are talking about here, so much as it is society. Pretty much everyone in the world in the modern age has civilization, but our societies are different from place to place (ie Bhutan measures the Happiness of it’s inhabitants and the USA measures GDP). Other people are society. They have their majority beliefs and majority morals, those with power dictate public opinion and those that believe in that opinion will attempt to enforce it through the strength of numbers and insider conviction.

There’s nothing wrong with civilization, but society can be oppressive and stifling when none of the societal morals include leaving people alone, letting them believe what they want, and/or not trying to force them to think, believe, or do things that they don’t think or believe and don’t want to do, just because it is the majority’s opinion that they should.

The problem lies in societies made up of busy-bodies who pay too much attention to everyone but themselves. Also, self-worth comes from within, not from forces outside yourself. It is sort of your parents’ job to fill you with the base materials growing up, for you to develop self worth and maintain it in a world of competition and diminishment. If they were half-assed parents that screwed that up, it really sucks for the child, but it’s not civilization’s place to fix your parents’ failures…and society will only play the bully and pick at the wounds of anyone who lacks it, and will use that to push them into submission.

We have a weird situation going on right now where too many people have too much self-worth and think they are special just for breathing and try to endlessly up the ante of their specialness by adopting specialized labels and identity politics to make tons of miniature societies within a larger one. Then they spend all of their time attacking anyone outside of their specific society in an attempt to enforce their own majority morals and opinions on people who don’t think, believe, or do what they think they should. It’s all very complex and frustrating, and why I ran screaming away from FB.


Civilised society. Hmmm. Seems to me society as a whole more and more has the appearance of being civilised while less so in private.

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I think a lot of it has to do with the everyone’s a winner mentality like you mentioned. Now today in kids baseballs games everyone gets a gold metal and they don’t keep track of points…

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Society gets so spellbound by kids and babies, that they try to over-protect and bolster them…and instead end up coddling them to the point that they make them weak (can’t tolerate criticism or disagreement without falling apart, cry and make death threats if the rest of the world doesn’t fall over backwards to give them everything they want, cannot bounce back from disappointment, etc.)


My thoughts on civilization. Let’s go back way back in time, to the time of the Sumerians. It is say that civilization started there. They did not have technology like we have today, they did not have advanced medicine like we have today. So what was it that made them civilized? I believe that they worked together to build the great civilization that had without the political division like we have today. Lived by for the lack of a better term “the golden rule” “do on to those that you want done to yourself”. Lived by laws equal to all rich or poor. Worshipped which ever Gods/Goddesses of there choice and basically minded there own business. And then “organized religion” reared it ugly heads and screwed everything up. I’m sure that there is more that I might have missed but you get the idea. And if I’m wrong or mistaken please feel free to correct me.


I think organized ideologies of all types can be put in the same category as organized religion for messing things up. Once they become rigid and dogmatic, even political ideologies and standardized public opinions about how people MUST live (in USA, you aren’t legally allowed to camp in a tent or live in an RV for more than 30 days. In some states, you aren’t allowed to collect rainwater or have pets without licenses. In some places, your neighbors get to tell you what to do with your own property and can sue you for growing a garden in your front yard instead of a lawn due to their ideology of curb appeal, homogeny, and property values). It all gets incrementally more oppressive everytime any ideologist gets the idea that their ideas should be enforced on others. Religion and political systems just happen to be the biggest offenders.


Unfortunate but true.

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You can not be hospitalised for claiming you see spirits. The laws vary from country to country

For that to happen a doctor has to authorise it and come up with good reasons as to why. Look under the section involuntary admission. You would have to be not able to function. The signature of family and neighbours. If you had arguments with people that alone might not do it, but I am mean pretty radical behaviour and incapable of making decisions. Saying you believe in ghosts alone is not grounds, though it would be a good idea to not tell your doctor you do as that is the first authority that gets the ball rolling. If you can function then it does not really matter if you think the moon is made of cheese.

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You just have to prove mental competance, its actually pretty difficult to force someone
Hope this helps give some clarity

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Yes there is and I am so happy about it a revolution like never before is happening, good things are coming, not without some turbulence of course

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Loving this term!


“The biggest issue, and the doublestandard, is the governmental cooperation in the Western civilization with Christianity, Judaism and Islam.”

Yes religion is Control control,
Spirituality = breaking that fucking prison.