The Old Gods

Hey everyone! I’m curious; has anyone worked with the Lovecraftian entities? If so what has been your experience with these beings? Good, bad, neutral, crazy, etc?

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[quote=“Augustine, post:1, topic:8225”]Hey everyone! I’m curious; has anyone worked with the Lovecraftian entities? If so what has been your experience with these beings? Good, bad, neutral, crazy, etc?[/quote] I think that they are unknowable yet seem to be interested in humanity to an extent, some for good and others for bane. I shouldn’t say good as this word doesn’t fit these entities. I have done workings with them and Cthulhu mostly and found that these entities are so alien to us that words like good or evil don’t really fit them.

Would you be able to elaborate more as far as Ascension?

The old ones aren’t good or bad, they are from a time before the impurity of emotion and as such view the world in a purely objective way. This lack of emotion, as we would interpret the word, grants them a calm aura and also endless patience.
Some people struggle to maintain sanity around them purely because there mind is struggling to comprehend character traits that are so foreign people cant even start to imagine what that trait is like.
To see why they interact with us we must look to the Egyptian pantheon, where it speaks of an old universe and the destruction of it. They seek to guide us away from making the same mistakes that lead to the old world’s destruction.
Their aim is to try and grant us enough power and knowledge to view the universe as they do.


Where in the Egyptian myths does it speak of this?

Heh…you need to start watching the Stargate TV series.

[quote=“Zac, post:4, topic:8225”]The old ones aren’t good or bad, they are from a time before the impurity of emotion and as such view the world in a purely objective way. This lack of emotion, as we would interpret the word, grants them a calm aura and also endless patience.
Some people struggle to maintain sanity around them purely because there mind is struggling to comprehend character traits that are so foreign people cant even start to imagine what that trait is like.
To see why they interact with us we must look to the Egyptian pantheon, where it speaks of an old universe and the destruction of it. They seek to guide us away from making the same mistakes that lead to the old world’s destruction.
Their aim is to try and grant us enough power and knowledge to view the universe as they do.[/quote]

Holly shit!!! Damn, that is deep my brother. I can’t wait to here more from you on this subject. Continue to enlighten.

I personally even before coming into magick have worked to view things as yall say the old ones do I hAve the ability to shut off almost all emotion at will

[quote=“Augustine, post:1, topic:8225”]Hey everyone! I’m curious; has anyone worked with the Lovecraftian entities? If so what has been your experience with these beings? Good, bad, neutral, crazy, etc?

I believe it depends, some are eager to help as long as you propiate them respectfully, some are on the fence and will only help if they deem it fit while some just want to be left alone. The chthonic deities seem to fall into this category but as with everything in life there is an exception to the rule. Some of these Gods do not bother to verbally communicate anymore, you may get feelings, sensations, impressions and visions. Gaia loves to do this, as well as Nyx.

For example, in the Egyptian pantheon, you’re more likely to get a response from Isis or Anuket, than you would say Neith or Shu.

The Old Gods aren’t conventional and can be extremely sporadic, take Kali for example, she believes in swift action, some are slow to respond to a petition, some might respond but not I in the way you were expecting.

Sometimes the old Gods take an interest to a certain person, not the other way around. They can’t be forced or coerced into doing anything, and to attempt to do so could be suicidal to say the least.

Sometimes the Gods choose to appear to you, sometimes they won’t, sometimes they heed your call, sometimes they don’t. You can never really tell with the old Gods, but I love them just the way they are.

Just remember to be respectful with them at all times and you should be fine ! Oh and if you have petitioned them for anything, please fulfill your end of the bargain once they do their part.



I have. Two actually. My experience is pretty good. They will change you but a word of warning don’t spend too much time in their current as it is massive, powerful and intense. They can teach a lot of good methods depending upon what you are look for

I’ve recently started working with Set it is …umm interesting to say the least

What book is advice in working with them? Anyone?

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It’s Atlantean, because of the free will experiment from Atlantis they had to leave and establish Egypt, they migrated to vibrationally stable places like the Middle East around turkey, sumer, Palestine, Egypt region etc. the west, while the lemurians fled to Tibet, India and South America, the Atlanteans migrated to Greek middle eastern regions, some went to china and South America, all the cultures came from the same place but they became isolated into their own traditions, they even have a 2 million year old shiva lingam in Hawaii where they found in that region which is evidence of this migration from the old continents to the current ones

There is a booklet called “The Guardian Angels of the Ancients”
The Primeval Lords