The mud pie rite from Dark Rites Encunters with the Devil by Marcus T.Bottomley - my opinion

I performed this ritual yesterday. I went to woods and I was there few minutes before midnight. I made a pie with soil mixed with water and I covered it with piece of red clothes. I cut with knife on a half, and also I cut myself (by accident) in left hand finger. Well I was blooding, but I thought it may be worth it. I waited. After few minutes after midnight, nothing happened. I had hope that maybe the meeting will be arranged in my dreams. Well it was not.

Well…what were you expecting to happen? I’m not familiar with the rite.

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Basically it is a sell your soul for material gain kind of deal.

It does not have any similiarities to other conjure or evocation methods that i know and the ritual looks a bit sketchy based on what i am reading. A lot of it is the author trying to convince the reader that the devil is real, he can give you wealth, and to look for signs of his imps coming out during ritual (black rooster, black cat, little people, etc)

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hehe, well, OP, if you feel differently or over time you notice a change, let us know.

Thanks, @Dralukmun C.Wilson.


Well I perfmormed another ritual from this book to get rid of unwanted person from my life, and that ritual worked. In a way that I expected. I thought with that one will be the same.