The Magick of Nanowrimo

There are some every November that attempt a great undertaking…

No, it’s not cooking Thanksgiving feasts! And that’s okay.

It’s writing a crappy 50,000-word novel. You see, November is National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo). What does this have to do with magick, you may ask?

As I have noted in a post:

A lot of the creativity used in magick is similar to what is done in creating fiction. After all, to quote from the Holy Bible:

In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ~ John 1:1

Since we are gods and we have the power to create, the word is god. Words are powerful. The only difference between “word” and “world” is one letter. This is not a coincidence. The ancient Egyptians were well known for how much writing was revered and cherished. The very act was considered a sacred rite. It is the same across many cultures.

Life imitates art. So, it works the other way, too. The very world we live in today was inspired by science fiction. When some of you write your stories this November, keep in mind that you are also writing an actual universe that exists in some form in the quantum reality/multiverse.