The Magick of Mastering Basics

I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of this program. The 1gza knows some of my experiences with it over the past few weeks and I thank the dude for putting me onto it. As you read from some of the testimonies on the site, you’ll see people begin to get results right away, but I can verify that as you go through the entire course curriculum and then again, you should expect to REALLY start getting quite mind blowing results.

Seeing as just about everyone here already has experienced brainwave states to a greater or lesser degree in their magical training, a program like this is an awesome aid to deepen and access those states far easier and can be used in conjunction with whatever path you are on. I personally try not to rely on guided meditations and such but this is different. Once you begin the course sessions, you’ll realize that meditating without them will still allow quick access to states you’re attempting, therefore the entrainment is really damn effective.

Great post!

[quote=“Virdon Djinn, post:21, topic:3003”]I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of this program. The 1gza knows some of my experiences with it over the past few weeks and I thank the dude for putting me onto it. As you read from some of the testimonies on the site, you’ll see people begin to get results right away, but I can verify that as you go through the entire course curriculum and then again, you should expect to REALLY start getting quite mind blowing results.

Seeing as just about everyone here already has experienced brainwave states to a greater or lesser degree in their magical training, a program like this is an awesome aid to deepen and access those states far easier and can be used in conjunction with whatever path you are on. I personally try not to rely on guided meditations and such but this is different. Once you begin the course sessions, you’ll realize that meditating without them will still allow quick access to states you’re attempting, therefore the entrainment is really damn effective.

Great post![/quote]

Sounds good, I think I might get this.Because really remote viewing is something I’m interested in but never put alot of emphahtsis on in my practice.

I’m sure you’ll get a lot from this defectron. The thing about this course is that it covers such a wider area than just remote viewing/remote influencing. It’s basically about being a co-creator and from viewing reality, the multiverse, from the perspective of “The One”. It covers remote viewing/influencing, of course, in great depth, but it is also so much more. It fits right in with magick and reality engineering which in my opinion is what would make it such a great accompaniment to any magical practice. Good luck if you try it. I would be interested in hearing your results if you decide to pursue it.

By stealth I meant to hide my scent, my presence, not only spiritually but as a whole multidimensional being. That thread called “Epistole of B’ael” covers this very subject. Everytime I do that I kinda feel in theta. Sorry for the late reply btw.

Alright, think we somehow got it… I wasn’t completely lost by what you meant. Did I answer you question well enough though?

Yah 1gza, I think I made a dumb question btw, now that I reread that my question doesnt make much sense ‘____’. Its not like invisibility is inducing me to theta, but I have to reach theta to be invisible. Thanks for your time bro, Im definetly going to work with that material asap xD

It is Fun how things Spirits tell you just seem to Pop up the day after…
“You have to master these States…” Me:"How? Paralda: “Wait and see.” (kind of)

I am still reading the book, but the theta track isn’t too shabby, I opened my eyes and realized I saw colors flashing(photons going off), and decided to form a triangle, then a circle, then a square. it worked, even though the outline was vague it was physically visible.

I keep falling asleep listening to the theta track LOL

Hahaha man don’t even worry about it. It’s going to happen a bit… you might not get a taste of it working until you find it happen in a period of unrelated activity. It won’t happen while driving, but you might be on a bus and find that your daydream is way more vivid than usual, or that while just relaxing that your shift into relaxation takes on a new dimension. I find myself losing consciousness sometimes, but sometimes it feels like I have been gone for like 4 hours… and it was only about 4 secs.

I did this earlier when listening to an unrelated program. I fell asleep and though I must have been out for an hour or two, and it turns out I was out for less than 15 minutes. I wonder if it has anything to do with this?


look at the siesta sleep schedule.

I am just getting back into this, it’s weird but I don’t quite fall asleep…It is more like a drift off but stay awake.

I did this an hour before heading out to work, while driving it felt like part of my mind was “coming back” from doing something else. Trippy but pretty cool.

I can say that I am pretty sure that I benefited greatly from staying on the beginning entrainment audios for the extended period that I did. The progress into the rest of the course is registering a lot of positive occurrences. I find that I am not too privy to talk about them in specificity; I’m not a secretive person but there is some advantage to learning to be silent. When you start blabbing off too much about this and that, you aren’t spending time allowing it to flourish fully in your perception. Since I am just getting into it, being too liberal about every little experience kinda diminishes my ability to experience all the facets of what’s going on.

I’ve been listening to the Theta entrainment track 2 or 3 times a day (only once did I not fall asleep, LOL) and have listened to the first RV lesson, but I think I might follow your lead and spend a little more time with the entrainment tracks before progressing.

So far, I’m liking it. Thanks.

I have been keeping up with this and getting better at both paying attention to what Gerald is saying and the experiences I am having. When he got the the part about being able to visit anyplace and experience it with all my senses I found myself at a peer at Lake Washington (I have been homesick lately) I could see the peer, hear the seagulls, smell the air, and feel the breeze on my skin.

I may have astral projected, not sure, haven’t done it a whole lot. I did feel a warm sensation around my 2 nd chakra, which according to Jason Miller is a connection spot of astral bodies. I am gonna experiment with it more, this is great stuff.

Thanks for throwing it my way Gza.

I have found it a little jarring at times listening to Gerald read, because of his accent and, in a couple of cases, his stumbling over his words which has pulled me out of the state I am in. My conscious mind gets focused on the error and gets stuck, especially since he repeatedly tells the listener to focus on his voice.

Any advice on not letting it pull me out of the altered state?

[quote=“DarkestKnight, post:36, topic:3003”]I have found it a little jarring at times listening to Gerald read, because of his accent and, in a couple of cases, his stumbling over his words which has pulled me out of the state I am in. My conscious mind gets focused on the error and gets stuck, especially since he repeatedly tells the listener to focus on his voice.

Any advice on not letting it pull me out of the altered state?[/quote]

I don’t know, I think in time it won’t be too much of a problem. I know sometimes he says stuff that is completely inaudible, but he does that on purpose. I forgot where I read it, but he does things to keep you slightly ajar because those little jerks keep you from sleeping. I’m pretty sure everyone has come close to sleep, if not slept or lost consciousness at least once while listening to the program. This isn’t a problem either, but entrainment tends to work better if you are awake.

The important thing to understand is that the course is designed to entrain you into the states so that you can use them AWAY from the recordings. So sometimes you may not get an experience listening to the audio; you might be perturbed while the audio is playing. However, the exposure to the audio along with his suggestions make it so that even with those problems while listening, you get what the lesson is relaying.

I have been listening to the first session and taking it slow, but I have noticed that my mind begins to slip under this reality (that is the best way I can describe it) during the Theta State part. It feels like I am outside of the physical world and has some similarities to what EA calls “The Crossroads”.

I have also begun to notice some chiropractic adjustments going on as well. I have an old injury from a car accident, the spot in my back that gives me the most trouble will start pulsing, then it adjusts itself at the muscular level. Tippy but cool.


Thank you for the great post. May I request you to PM me the link to the program as I am very keen on it as you indicated and emphasized that its the basics that play a big role. Thanks again.

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