The House of Cards

The above represents a house of cards, the sigil to be used in this working. A house of cards does one thing and one thing only, it crumble and falls in on it’s self. The intent is to use that symbolism to destroy everything your target had built up around themselves, career, finances, relationships, everything.

Start by drawing the sigil above. You may personalize to tie it to your victim by putting their initials or name in it. Then you can burn it, as you will not need the physical representation. This part is just to help you focus.

The actual working it’s self is more of a meditation. Visualize your sigil, and with every exhalation, blow the air out of your mouth like your are blowing on an actual house of cards to cause it to fall.

You can do this as often as you want, no need to forget your intention with this one. If the object of your wrath does happen to cross your mind, blast it with a few breaths.

No demons doing your dirty work. I find it much more satisfying to do my dirty work myself.


Very nice! May I ask where you got this sigil from? This is the first time I’ve seen it.

I made it up. It’s what I like to call implicit sigilization. An almost literal representation of the elements used. It’s the most basic stack of cards you can make and still call a “house of cards”.

For instance, I made this one based on “the princess and the pea”, in which I place something under the mattress of an unwanted guest. For that I use this sigil.

It’s got the bed, the pea, and a princess hat.

But… back to the house of cards. What I like about that symbolism is it has no wrong turns. That is to say, when you think of the word “Hospital”, a lot of things come to mind (nurses, doctors, needles, ect). WHen you think of a house of cards, you pretty much draw a blank with the exception of it falling.


I like your style!

I prefer doing my own curses too, and written or drawn elements are often part of it, so I can’t wait to try this one out on a deserving target.


Time to dust this one off.

For this guy I’m going the extra mile of making an actual house of cards. I will select 7 cards from a deck I think are meaningful. Queen of hearts for love life, king or queen of diamonds for finances, ect. Then I will burn the mother fucker down with lighter fluid. Probably throw in a few other flaming runes for good measure, but maybe not.

Since I’ve already been using blowing air as a magical gesture in this work, blowing on the flames will add a new dimension to that gesture, making it stronger and hopefully more effective when I blow on my visualized sigil later on. Likewise, the fire will add a new dimension to the falling apart aspects representing destruction.

I might also tag the building with the house of cards sigil.

Also, I have another separate curse (lets call it a blood stone) I’m preparing for the same guy, which is more specific to his circumstances, that I will place inside the physical house of cards before burning it.


Do you mind sharing some info on the blood stone? This really interests me.

The blood stone was rather specific to the circumstances. This guy works with heavy slabs of stone with sharp edges, and there is a high chance of catastrophic injury. By coating stones in blood and tossing them in the yard, I’m hoping to make the link between the blood and the stone stronger, stack the deck a little to encourage that probability.


I’ve evolved this sigil to it’s next form.

Was looking at it yesterday and decided it needed a small circle at it’s apex. This circle is to represent the victim.

Adding that circle on the top kind of makes it look like a stick man. A lot like a stick man actually. To my mind, that makes it two clear things at once, the stick man representing my victim and the house of cards. It ties those two elements together. That was always a weak spot with this working when I had previously used it, the link to my victim wasn’t clear enough. I think this modification fixes that and makes it more user friendly.

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Ok, I wasn’t even using this to curse when I evolved it, I was only theory crafting, but it still bit me in the ass.

Consider I’m using the imagery of the house of cards because it comes falling down. My stated intent was to cause everything to come falling down around the victim.

Well, after having been focused on this sigil the past day or so, I fell down the stairs today. A little literal, but I blame the sigil. Not only did I fall down the stairs, I fell down the stairs with a bucket containing about 200 dollars worth of dark floor stain, a mix of Dark Walnut and Ebony. From the top of the stairs too. As I’m laying there covered in it, I think “Well, it’s not that bad of a mess considering”, that’s when I hear it dripping into the basement. Did I mention this isn’t my house?

It was a disaster of epic proportions. Everything I could have hoped for from my humble little sigil. Just not on me. Be careful with that fucking thing.

The choice of color for that circle was an accident. I had intended to go black, but when I switched to the default color just happened to be red, and I thought it fitting with the personal associations I have with that color. If something else floats your boat, feel free to change it.

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Do you open the House of Cards as a sigil?

It’s a lens to channel your focused attention through. It becomes active when attention is coursing through it. My problem, I did not let go of it and was thinking about it while I worked today, which kept it active.

Or you havent fully aimed it towards its goal. Just like an egregore, if it wont find a way to fulfill its purpose, it will backfire on you most probably. My suggestion in to implement something that would connect the sigil to the victim, a clear connection as you stated, but Id work on something to make it clear who is the actual target, so it wont backfire again.

And I asked about opening it as a ordinary sigil cause I came with this practice a few days ago and Im reaping good fruits off it. For example, crossing my target’s name with my magical name and opening it as a sigil is often yielding a dominant-submissive relationship, and guess which side of the table I am? LOL!

I merge my intent with the imagery. But since I was just theory crafting, there was no intended target. Must have defaulted to me.

Whoever used my own curse against me is going to regret it. I’m taking counter measures that should work against anyone else who tries this shit on me in the future. And no I’m not sharing what that is.

Cusp ,tanks so much for sharing stuff,anyway i use tis seal princes oea to one of my roomates to live my apt,nit paying&cleani,g,etc,i wrote in calendarios his shoes,everywhere,it was a intense,tense atmosphere,and 3 days after date to live he live in a hurry,he see the seal every day& hour,also my other. Ex roomate,live to avoid paying. more rent, and left his stuff,i did write everywhere. The princes pea,mostly i want his suff out,he left,so ise the sigil everywhere, on his belongings, i realy hope he take it his stuff,soin,tanks,i did. Basic ritual,

This isn’t exactly baneful, just a variation on the Princess and the Pea.

I haven’t been sleeping well, stuff keeps waking me up. For every annoyance I destroy, two more pop up. So the solution is to stop having those things wake me up.

I take the princess hat from that sigil, and put it on the light in my bedroom. That way, when I turn out the light, I am extinguishing that role. I am no longer going to be the person who can’t sleep.

So in the heat of the moment, I decided I was going to destroy someone using this curse. I later relented when I calmed down, and never actually performed the spell.

But it seems setting my intent was enough. I’m not going to list all the details of how everything is falling apart, but last night he fell down the stairs onto an air conditioner, breaking several ribs and puncturing a lung.

Someone else fell there as well and sprained their entire leg pretty badly. I continue to be surprised by how literal the manifestations are. Literal but effective.

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The Anarchy variant.

^ That happens!

On the positive side, it also happens in healing, you set the intent to do something and your recipient contacts you by whatever method and says “I’m feeling better already!” which, once or twice would be coincidence, but when it becomes almost every time you have to start dipping into non-linear time and the thing of Cause & Effect not being strung out like sequential things but instead related to impact.

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Well, perhaps setting my intent wasn’t enough…

The curse worked out spectacularly. She had an affair, got caught, their marriage is over. Their kid is expelled. There was broken ribs, punctured lungs, sprained legs. It was fucking impressive.

Problem is, I wanted to get rid of them, and they are still here. I didn’t intend to get rid of them, I intended to use that curse on them. I figured it would create a schism, and a house divided can’t stand. Unfortunately, these people keep trucking on regardless, which is rather admirable.

Lesson learned.

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