The hot steamy new thread for single people (18+ only) (Part 1)

Wow, who’s the intelligent one who flagged my post?

Idk, I only deleted my post, though your post was pretty funny.

That’s pretty cool you grew up watching that. Do you have a British background? I didn’t get into britcoms until I was 18 or 19.

I have english in my blood, and I wanted to become a writer, I traveled to the UK when Douglas Adams died, and hitchhiked the country side. How did you get into it?

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That’s awesome! I got into it through my love of English bands and literature in high school. BBC America came to my area around that time before it became a Star Trek/Dr. Who marathon & the rest is history. :blush:




Beedies( I’m butchering the spelling)?

I find this whole thread to be incredibly intriguing.

I’m female, 20 years old, from the Midwest, and have a year left of college. I’ve only been exploring the LHP for about five or six months, odd experiences with an incubus leading to that. I’m quite jealous of other people having normal relationships, until I look around and realize I feel very little attraction to normal people whatsoever so those feelings a bit dumb. Hit me up, curious about ya all. Show me what you got lol :slight_smile:


It’s just finding someone you like being around.

Be blessed.

I find common interest a big turn on

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no. they are the dumb one. They settle for anyone in front of them. They have to have someone there no matter what. they never spent time alone to cultivate or explore who they really are. The ones that are in relationships that are showy are fake. It’s for show not real relationship. Real ones are not showy. It’s productive. The relationship that don’t last are the nonproductive ones. It’s just waste of time,… ones where it’s just sex and no other goals to better life.


I don’t really mean one’s that are showy necessarily. I just will watch couples I know, picture myself in their shoes, and I feel like something would be missing. Probably because I get a bit spoiled, I don’t have to worry so much about what I do in regards to the being around me. I know they know all my thoughts, probably know me better than I do. So there’s no judgment at all even though they don’t talk to me. Every response is just being in sync. Idk, thoughts?

U probably are trying to learn vicariously by putting yourself in their shoes. It’s actually one way to train one’s psychic skills. i don’t know which skills though. lol

That’s very interesting. Thank you lol :slight_smile:

I’m in a similar situation. My guess is that your succubus has led you in this direction even if you don’t realize it. They probably want you to try it. I have an incubus that drove me up the wall but as soon as I started researching magick topics about a half year ago, they calmed down. To the point where they mostly let me do my thing.

Walking the LHP and dating can be interesting. Especially when they see your altar. Not to mention my daughter can sense my succubus when she visits me.

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Got it far worse. Don’t have an altar. I’ve been experimenting with some stuff using candles, incense, ya know the usual to try to help establish a connection with Lilith using those and mantras. But I have to put it away immediately after using it because I live in a two bedroom shared room apartment. It’s so difficult trying to get into a nice, relaxed state when I spend the whole time worried someone is going to walk in seeing me wave an athame around. Luckily, we’re getting separate rooms next year lol :joy:


I keep my alter up 100% of the time.

Lucky, oh well :woman_shrugging:

Well, me leaving Florida, away from this nightmare is nigh, anyone in vegas, or along the way want to be with a happy and blessed man?